Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't expected her to make this sort of use of the opportunity he had given her .
2 I am happy there at the moment , and I want to repay Yorkshire for all the support they have given me over the years . ’
3 Explain to him how you feel and chat to his parents , who may rally round and give you the support he refuses to give you .
4 Accordingly , at the time of the accident the deceased was a lawful visitor on the premises , since the brewery had not given the deceased any indication that the permission they had given him to be on the premises expired at 10.30 p.m .
5 Norman took me outside and said , ‘ Here is the money we want to give you . ’
6 ‘ I will show you the evidence that Osman goes to him every Friday and comes away with the money you have given him . ’
7 He had offered to top up the money he had given her before by another twenty pounds and she had accepted with polite reluctance .
8 After the events of the night she met his gaze self-consciously , grateful for the excuse he had given her to drop her eyes .
9 She is already in her nightdress , and I stand up holding my toothbrush like I 've found the present I forgot to give her .
10 Speaking from the governor 's mansion in Little Rock , Arkansas , local boy Bill , said : ‘ I accept tonight the responsibility you have given me to be the leader of this , the greatest country in human history . ’
11 The fan who had given him the pen had had L. M. inscribed on it .
12 I rise to return thanks on behalf of my fellow guests and myself for the honour you have done us , and the pleasure you have given us , by asking us to share in this , your annual occasion .
13 And er the bedroom they 've given me I can see
14 I could only speculate whether the industrial activity required to produce the clock radio and the telephone they wanted to give me , and all the ongoing activity to service those industries and their customers , would not cause more pollution , lead to more acid rain , and so destroy more trees than the one they planned to plant for me .
15 As Francois Fenelon prayed : ‘ Gentleness is thy work , my God , and it is the work thou hast given me to do . ’
16 ‘ It is a slap in the face , a sweetener , a paltry gesture which indicates the help they intend to give us . ’
17 It was , Be blessings on thee , I mean and may God bless you for the help you 've given me .
18 On behalf of BAIE SCOTLAND , renewed thanks for all the help you have given us by providing such a useful series of seminars .
19 And I 'm sure you 've had a bit of thought about it , I 'm glad you 're see it there er and the whole lot is a blessed mismatch , it 's nothing to do with us though I do thank you Mr for the help you wish to give me , the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Rutland if this goes through as I said this today because without a doubt the government will listen to what you have to say and I 've no doubt it will be effect .
20 I 'll propose Emily 's report and , and in doing so I 'd like to say thank you to her for her sterling work this year , I think she 's done a terrific job erm and I 'd like to thank her personally for the help she 's given me over the year .
21 Someone in the village I imagine gave them use of a phone . ’
22 Half an hour later , I was in a forest eating the bread they had given me .
23 ‘ If it is n't Miss Cornflower , the lady who refused to give me a lift . ’
24 In any event , Acheson had realized that the US bargaining position with the French disappeared ‘ the moment we agree to give them aid ’ and , as if to confirm this predicament , a couple of days after Truman 's cabinet had decided unanimously in favour of recognition , the French were letting it be known that , although their intentions were indeed evolutionary , they could not ‘ afford to kindle unrealistic national appetites ’ .
25 Then , the moment he had given it up , the old Hunt returned .
26 Even within the community he preferred to give his advice in writing .
27 The inevitable consequence of his marriage was that he forfeited his fellowship , and the security it had given him .
28 The fright we 've given ourselves in recent months will have done us some good if it helps us adjust society back in the direction of common purposes and co-operative disciplines .
29 It was the fright he 'd given her , of course .
30 Could the product itself have given me dandruff ?
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