Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The link from London across to the Severn estuary reached its best-known stage with the completion of the Kennet and Avon Canal between 1794 and 1810 — the only major canal across the south .
2 Auguste glanced towards the Prince of Wales deep in conversation with Lord Beddington .
3 The reorganisation of DTI away from sectors has proved to be successful .
4 McManaman was responsible for regaining the advantage for Liverpool late in the game and one or two of Beresford 's late tackles indicated just how much Portsmouth feared him .
5 The five reportedly reached a " preliminary consensus " on a plan to involve the UN in the governing of Cambodia ahead of a general election .
6 Most students assume that ( ii ) is a question as to the liability of C. Clearly on its wording the question is the same as in ( i ) , namely , as to the liability of A.
7 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
8 Shearer returns to The Dell for Blackburn tomorrow for the first time since his £3.6 million transfer in the summer , anxious to make life even more uneasy for Branfoot .
9 Now , with the division of Germany almost at an end , there are uncomfortable questions about the future of the two alliances , and how , if at all , they can be fitted into a Europe that includes a re-unified Germany .
10 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
11 A gunman wearing a hunting outfit killed 13 people at the University of Montreal yesterday before committing suicide .
12 That was the verdict from Dublin yesterday after Portadown again won the Sharwood 's All-Ireland Cup defeating Leinster side Loreto 2–0 .
13 PENSIONER Sophia Hymes will be given the freedom of Chester today at the age of 91 .
14 Dating has obviously become extremely inaccurate by this level compared with the precision higher up the stratigraphical column , but presumed late Precambrian glacial deposits extend from the west of Ireland up through the Highlands of Scotland and then up through Norway to Varangerfjord near its northernmost tip .
15 I have not worked out the exact link but the motto on all silver is same and ditto some old aunts in the west of Ireland perhaps by now dead ) .
16 New Zealand seemed to weather the loss of Hartland straight after lunch to one which bit back and had him lbw .
17 He slid the table into the centre of the room , tipping it on to its side , and dragged over the couch with Mariana still on it , so that the furniture formed a fort .
18 Further on , the road crosses open moorland to arrive at Grudie Bridge , which is not now the delightful picnic spot it used to be , the old stone bridge having been replaced and many of the noble pines sacrificed to road widening ; nothing , however , can diminish the majesty of Slioch directly across the water .
19 On the other hand , most Greek historians at the height of the classical era put the bulk of Macedonians out among ‘ the barbarians ’ .
20 And so we must start off this morning with his , perhaps most famous of all interviews that Jesus had , the interview with Nicodemus there in John , er er chapter three part of which Elaine read for us earlier .
21 Former world boxing champion , George Forman goes into the ring in London tonight for another fight in his remarkable comeback at the age of forty-two .
22 The addition of Murav'ev to the Secret Committee , which took place on the recommendation of Orlov immediately after his appointment as minister , was probably the low point of the emancipation story .
23 ‘ Oh , ’ says Howard wittily , ‘ trying to get the fear of God out of them . ’
24 There are plans to expand the scope and activity of the Guild from September onwards with Keep-Fit , Step Reebok , Embroidery and Sewing , Music and Entertainment and various social activities .
25 It is for this — and other reasons — that some scholars have argued that both Britain and France exerted influence upon the formation of Nato well in excess of their physical strength — especially when compared with that of the United States .
26 To save time , I determined to cut straight across the desert to Afdam instead of returning by the longer route we had come by .
27 The sepoy staggered off , clutching at the violin strings , out of the music-room and down the corridor with Fleury still on his back .
28 As Poulter points out , this is in line with the modern ethos of concentrating on the broadly educational role of RE , which is underlined by the reference to RE instead of ‘ religious instruction ’ to which the 1944 Act referred previously .
29 ULSTER COLLEGES FOOTBALL DALTON CUP FOUR-GOAL hero Paul Murphy was the toast of Maghera yesterday after inspiring his side to a Dalton Cup triumph .
30 Seek the help of Al Anon of Families Anonymous or other appropriate Anonymous Family Groups in order to meet other people who have similar first-hand experience of the living hell of being at close quarters with the insanity of addictive disease .
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