Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The struggle begins when they see many of the things that seem routine to the rest of us as ways of devaluing them .
2 It is seen in The Facts to belong to the times in which the writer lived when he wrote the novel , when opposition to the Vietnam War , and to a President Johnson perceived as monstrous , took to the street-wisdom of a farcical obscenity .
3 Who does the heart hurt when it sees the unattended pair of shoes ?
4 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
5 When leaving the hospital , parents are loaned a rear-facing car seat for the baby , which the midwife collects when she makes her first home visit .
6 The crux came when she became doubly incontinent and her mind had got to the point where she had forgotten how her body functioned .
7 The difficulty came when one imagined these numbers written on the spine of a book , or on the can of a filmstrip or an audio-cassette , and given to an untrained person to shelve or file in a sequence .
8 The difficulty starts when one tries to say exactly what is the relationship between everyday life and the structure of society .
9 As socialists we would demand decent and secure housing for everyone at a reasonable cost , but the difficulty arises when we consider what we can demand specifically as women without simply constructing an alternative women 's culture or further reinforcing women 's place in the home .
10 put them in the " recovery position " ( i.e. on the floor , face down , but with head bent back and face tilted down , making sure they can breathe easily ) ; — call a doctor or ambulance immediately ; — if you can , give details of the drug taken when you phone ; — ask the ambulance operator if there is any first aid you can give ; — stay with them , until help comes ; — give them nothing to eat or drink .
11 The parcel exploded when she opened it , singeing her head and arms .
12 Show her how the level rises when she gets into the bath .
13 The tragedy happened when he slipped on wet grass at the home of 75year-old retired Brigadier Tim Pierson in Fownhope , near Hereford .
14 But the deal collapsed when it reached an advanced stage an advanced .
15 The fascination of the piece comes when one starts to compare positive and negative , or outside to inside .
16 The poem is remarkable for its Gothic horrors and its energy , for example : This is not a ‘ Wordsworthian ’ view of Nature , but it helps to explain what the poet meant when he told us in The Prelude that he was haunted by mysterious ‘ presences ’ during childhood and youth ; The Vale of Esthwaite anticipates The Prelude in other ways — the interest is in the mind of the poet , and the effect of the imagination on landscape .
17 The confusion yields when we realize that we have to do with a limited area , however large , and that the ‘ unionists ’ , if I may use this term , made the mistake of extrapolating the ambiguity and interchangeability within this limited area to the whole scope of Mozart 's staccato notation .
18 The horse stopped when he saw me , and seemed very surprised .
19 Has the fella said when he left the note ,
20 The plan backfired when they realised they would need mountains of paper to earn just a few pence .
21 The issue arose when I took to Cabinet committee my proposals on railway electrification .
22 ‘ Because I told her we were lovers and you were expecting me , and you have too much compassion in your make-up to get the girl reprimanded when she believed she was acting in your best interests , min søde Gina . ’
23 Erm sometimes erm it seems , at least according to the study , that um and possibly also the the Russell study , that often the abuse stops when something 's done by the , in inverted commas , the victim .
24 They illustrate some of the problems the policeman/anthropologist faces when he sets out to describe and interpret police culture , for he must — if the ethnography is to count — reveal hidden aspects of the relationships of power which are an integral aspect of this institution of state .
25 What else did the lady expect when she married a man from Dartford with a best friend named Keith ?
26 The Institute indicated when it commissioned the report that it would make every effort to adopt its proposals wherever possible , and has already agreed on action in a number of areas .
27 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
28 May we have the courage to respond when we sense that He is speaking to us .
29 The saw stuck when it reached its own depth , but he kept on trying .
30 Now , the complication comes when we notice that there are parts of the ego that are not conscious .
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