Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] had give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Her head throbbed and there were stupid tears in her eyes ; so it took her a while to realize that it was the shell Adam had given her .
2 He had taken off his helmet and gloves for the job , and was stabbing with a stub of lightpencil at the screenmap Manolo had given him .
3 This was even noticeable through the haze of the drug Leila had given her to superficially suppress such feelings .
4 She stared with disdain at the coin Folly had given her and almost threw the flowers on to the bed before flouncing out of the room .
5 On it were her confirmation cross and the farthing Rob had given her soon after they met .
6 She remembered the mousetrap Clare had given her .
7 Wang Sau-leyan was sitting in the far corner of the room , turning the gift the Ping Tiao had given him in his hands , studying it .
8 One day , an important but superstitious client cancelled his insurance policy when the pen Waterman had given him to sign with refused to work .
9 The Hochhauser Season had given her the courage to defy Georg — not to quarrel with him , she did n't want to do that — but to make it plain she was now her own woman , with her own life to lead , a life that might or might not include him .
10 Tonio at the Water Board had given her his promise .
11 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
12 The seating plan had given me no view at all of my now-giggling pals , but the great bonus of being next to Patricia Hutchinson , and opposite the Principal , who is most gracious , and does n't miss a trick .
13 ‘ Imago Studios ’ , the address Jacqui had given him , proved to be in a tatty mews near St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington .
14 The address Adam had given her was relatively easy to find .
15 She caught his attention , asked whether he was Edouard and lived at the address Cobalt had given her .
16 He filled the kettle and set it on the hob , then went through to the front room , closed the shutters , and tried radioing on the frequency Caspar had given him for the US Embassy in Belpan City .
17 Lead technician said the training trip had given her more confidence about how to handle the machines .
18 At the back of her hair , the white silk flowers and pearls of the hairslide Nightingale had given her gleamed softly beneath her veil .
19 And then he said suddenly , ‘ That phone call Ah was waitin' fur — it was from the hotel Iris had given me as her address in Lima .
20 And in that moment , as he winced at this new casualty , he lost the advantage that the suddenness of his irruption into the gun chamber had given him .
21 When she had finished , she sat down at the kitchen table with the envelope Tracey had given her the night before .
22 On the next floor , he found a toilet , slipped in and lit a cigarette , then took the envelope Himmler had given him from his pocket and opened it .
23 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
24 But a stray recollection of a golliwog Maurice had given her for her fifth birthday undid the effect in an instant and she reached Swans ' Meadow with her eyes red and face blotchy from tears , only to find to her surprise that Ursula was in a similar condition .
25 A property millionaire had given him the key to the Mayfair pad where he squired Antonia .
26 A north-west gale had given us a good shaking up crossing from Peterhead to Wick resulting in a cracked cylinder head .
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