Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] that [noun prp] have " in BNC.

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1 Hatch considered him carefully , not bothering to look at the ID card that Cowley had held out for inspection .
2 Part of the usability studies that WordPerfect has done on Presentations has surfaced in the setup options. , Wherever it 's possible , the program can be set to auto-select the correct driver for whatever option you 're configuring .
3 He began to speak of Stella 's interesting experiences during her cruise , of the cookery course that Heather had enrolled for , and of Rob 's house-hunting forays .
4 The next night he wore his leather jacket and warm boots and positioned himself near the field where the Charolais cattle grazed — the vantage point that Rose had used to watch Lowell 's cottage before she knew him .
5 ‘ You draw good pictures , ’ said the boy , turning over the pages of the note-book till he came to the whole page drawing of a pheasant , the cock pheasant that Philip had coloured in at home .
6 He pushed back his chair , and went to change into the evening clothes that Chambers had laid out for him .
7 The statement of the Propaganda Minister that Hitler had a ‘ sixth sense ’ for seeing what remained hidden to ordinary mortals was sarcastically said by a young secretary to explain his choice of Italy as an ally .
8 Fenella looked at Floy and remembered about the Robemaker and the way he had captured Nuadu and rendered them all helpless , and about the exiled Court and the sidh and the Tree Spirits that Miach had almost awoken , and which might turn out not to be friends , but enemies .
9 There was a grotesque inventiveness , a deliberate eccentricity in the idea of the cuckoo clock that Melanie had never encountered .
10 I heard afterwards from a lot of excited chattering in the dining room that George had stood alone outside the rear door of the dome car on the brink of space , directing a bright hand-held torch beam down the track .
11 Havel also disclosed at the press conference that Czechoslovakia had exported over 1,000 tonnes of Semtex explosive to Libya in recent years under the previous regime ; by his reckoning , this meant that " world terrorism " would have enough Semtex " to last 150 years " .
12 Far below us now is a hurricane lamp that Odd-Knut has hung from a tree knowing it would be visible from the hill .
13 And Apple ( the name was inspired by a Magritte painting that McCartney had recently acquired ) was born out of that sense that the Beatles had to start taking responsibility for their world instead of being acted upon by a panoply of ‘ men in grey suits ’ .
14 The row over Landsat equipment comes on top of a dispute over a ground station that China has set up in Peking , with American help , for receiving data from US and Japanese meteorological satellites .
15 A farm cottage that Rose had commandeered for her own use from time to time .
16 Afterwards , Khan told a press conference that Pakistan had also proposed a regional solution aimed at curbing nuclear proliferation , but that India had preferred a global approach .
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