Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The response remained habituated on a test session given 24 h after the last pre-exposure session ; but when the tone was then paired with shock , conditioned responding developed readily , that is , there was no sign or latent inhibition .
2 Without statistics to prove the theories daft , the opportunity remains to rely on the powers of suggestion to perpetuate the myth .
3 ‘ The opening of our new office demonstrates our commitment to our future involvement in Slovakia and gives us the opportunity to continue to build on the excellent relations that have already been established , ’ he added .
4 They spent much of the winter , from Palm Sunday until late August , in the centre of a chilly and miserable bay at what is now Puerto San Julián — a winter made doubly wretched by an appalling mutiny and the consequent executions and maroonings that Magellan ordered ; by the stranding and wrecking of the Santiago , which the Captain-General had sent on a sounding expedition ; and by the realization of the dreadful damage done to the remaining ships by the constant chomping and feasting of those plank-gourmets of the seas , the teredo worms .
5 The members of the Board have to decide on the best methods of bringing work and money into the region .
6 The parlour had come on a long way since I was a boy .
7 the decision 's made on the and the stands space so there 's no stand space .
8 But the decision has backfired on the Second Division club .
9 Ram was now raising his gun as calmly as the waiter who dips his net into the tank … ah , but Ram had paused again , this time to cough and to smooth back his white moustaches which had been somewhat disarranged by the gust of air from his cough then he took aim at the gliding sepoy , there was a sudden wild foaming and thrashing of water , and the sepoy lay gasping on the turf .
10 The blood had dried on the wounds leaving gaping holes showing the bones .
11 The principal example for the latter occurs when the shareholder wants to borrow on the security of his shares .
12 For Macpherson everything about the general run of American movies ‘ belonged to the 1910 period ’ when the industry had alighted on a certain type of narrative film as being most suitable for its mass audience .
13 But in the massive ballroom across the way there were only a few chairs and a sideboard or two , and even on a dismal day the light had fallen on the intricate design of a wooden parquet floor and pretty chiaroscuro frescoes painted into the panels of gracefully arched walls .
14 The widely-scattered smoke-swirls from destroyed weapons and vehicles showed that the enemy had advanced on a broad front .
15 The company will also be estopped if the transferee has relied on a false statement in his transferor 's certificate that the transferor was the registered holder of the shares on the date stated in the certificate .
16 The assailant had hidden on the left of the track , he probed first on that side .
17 The President managed to focus on the free hand Trent proffered .
18 The method is in general applicable to any situation in which the pay-offs to strategies are ‘ frequency-dependent ’ ; in this model , for instance , the pay-off to hawk depends on the frequency of hawks in the population .
19 The Superintendent got to work on the telephone .
20 Keegan led Newcastle to promotion in 1984 but the club failed to build on the success .
21 The lid was similarly fitted though sometimes the velvet did intrude on the surface of the underside .
22 And the horse seems to agree on the tactics !
23 Whether or not the subject of a mosaic was chosen by the client , the mosaicist had to rely on a number of aids and methodical practices when organising his work .
24 The policeman and the girl had come on an ordinary routine visit .
25 Plans to build a ‘ flying village ’ of apartments complete with hangars at Amougies Airfield in Belgium ( Pilot Notes , January 1992 ) appear to have received enough support for the developer to get started on the construction .
26 Pater 's as busy as ever , of course , but the mater has kept on the house in London since Madeleine 's season , so I spend quite a lot of time in the Great Big City seeing shows , etc. etc .
27 It is £100,000 more than the estimated cost the council had put on the work , and more than £32,000 more than the second highest bid .
28 Three days later , as the sun began to set on a cloudless horizon , we reached the ‘ comforts ’ of the highest permanent army outpost .
29 The shadows of the stones stretched to their maximum length , while the sun seemed to rest on the horizon .
30 Furthermore , we found that the results of the assay seem to depend on the volume of hydrogen peroxide used .
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