Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [modal v] [be] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What these answers demonstrate is that the verb may be part of either Theme or Rheme proper .
2 The retainer would be consideration for the ever-growing demands on top players and their time spent away from work .
3 The proposals for the Council of Ministers , the Commission and the Parliament should be part of the negotiating brief for United Kingdom Ministers at Maastricht , as should proposals on economic and monetary union , to which my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) hopes to refer later in the debate .
4 The child who refuses to sit at the table or in a high chair These children may be showing specific food-related problems or the difficulty may be part of a much wider behavioural and emotional problem .
5 Purchased by the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Area Health Authority , the building will be home to two other AIDS charities .
6 Ramsey expected that once the resolution was taken everything in the mind would be peace after doubt .
7 Screening for the parasite should be part of the investigative procedures in children with chronic diarrhoea .
8 Mr Bush , like other presidents before him , bases this on Article II , Section 2 , of the constitution which says that ‘ The president shall be commander in chief ’ .
9 Or act as it actually says in the constitution , the president shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States and of the militia of the several states erm there was n't an airforce then so by extension it 's assumed that he commands the airforce as well .
10 Mr Kinnock predicted that by 1992 and the advent of the single European market , the pound would be part of the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System .
11 However , for Forster the continent can be part of one 's own life .
12 Strange how the lebanon should be cover with them is n't it ?
13 The alternative would be amendment of the UCTA , either by statutory instrument , or through a new Act .
14 The alternative could be start from this end is still three four so it does n't matter .
15 It is possible the discovery could be part of Middle Eastern terrorism — two months ago a terrorist was blown up by his own bomb in a London hotel in an incident later linked to the Satanic Verses affair .
16 The bulk of the work would be south of Rugby , on tracks shared by trains linking Glasgow , Birmingham , Manchester and Liverpool with London .
17 Inside the Federation ‘ in the interests of each the Governor-General would be arbiter of all ’ .
18 There are fears that the proposal could be counter to the Cleveland structure plan , which sets out guidelines for future development .
19 For each degree the requirement will be submission of a portfolio of compositions .
20 Kitching , in an otherwise excellent analysis of the problem of autonomous development , seems to confuse autonomous and national development when he argues that if there is no ‘ national capitalist development ’ then the bourgeoisie must be comprador in character ( 1987 , ch.2 ) .
21 The teacher will be part of a team concerned with the educational support of the severely visually impaired pupil and will be the person responsible for implementing the recommendations of other professionals in day-to-day terms .
22 Is the Prime Minister aware that among right hon. and hon. Members on both sides of the House who understand the Government 's overall objectives , there is still a genuine fear that the outcome will be overstretch in peacetime and a dangerous shortage in times of tension ?
23 One question which will be examined is to what extent increased computerisation and automation of various aspects of the business might be part of such a strategy .
24 The aim should be flexibility within a structure ; variations on a theme .
25 The difference can be explaiend by the molecular species of lecithins used .
26 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
27 The station will be home to 117 police and civilian staff , said Insp.
28 The trader may be part of a voluntary group like Spar or VG , which enables him to buy in bulk
29 The water can be dew on the grass , can be
30 The main item on the agenda will be reduction of troop numbers along the two countries ' common border .
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