Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [modal v] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The Park might then have a chance to return to the ‘ wild character ’ which is its chief delight .
2 When even Belorussian Communists complained , they were told that ‘ the majority could not form a faction ’ .
3 It seemed the prince would not have a witness influenced , even by his own daughter .
4 Both branches would move steadily outwards to form the oceanic crust , which , as it got progressively further away from the ridge would rapidly acquire a thin veneer of deep sea sediments ( muds and clays , mixed up with myriads of tiny shells from planktonic organisms ) .
5 These costs will include direct costs in terms of additional auditor input as envisaged by the requirement of the proposed new standards that the auditor should actively investigate a client company 's going concern status .
6 ( 2 ) Where the licensing board decides to hold a hearing as mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above : ( a ) the clerk of the board shall serve on the holder of the licence , not less than 21 days before the hearing , a notice that the board proposes to hold the hearing specifying the grounds on which the board proposes to hold the hearing ; ( b ) the board shall not make a closure order without hearing the holder of the licence unless , after receiving due notice of the hearing , the holder fails to appear .
7 I applaud the impartial stance of the General Medical Council , mirrored in the ‘ Alaska law , ’ which states : ‘ the Board may not base a finding of professional incompetence solely on the basis that a licensee 's practice is unconventional or experimental , in the absence of demonstrable physical harm to the patient . ’
8 To extend an analogy offered by Jenkins ( 1987 ) , the snapshot/'stills ' outside the cinema may not offer a very good guide to the nature of the whole movie .
9 He thinks the ULC will also find a home inside the projected DECwindows Terminal III , DEC 's first RISC-based X Windows terminal .
10 Availability of non-thoracotomy ICD systems will make the prophylactic use of the ICD more attractive and the technique may ultimately find a wider application in the management of high-risk patients after myocardial infarction .
11 Consumers were assured that the measure would not mean a significant increase in prices except for fuels .
12 As already noted , the drafter should not copy a competitor 's terms .
13 The drafter should therefore consider a wide range of precedents , to consider the different matters that may need to be dealt with , and the different ways in which individual problems can be overcome .
14 However , drawing a line so roughly has its limitations : the eye can deceive and the heart may secretly desire a particular outcome .
15 Police working on the case could n't uncover a motive .
16 Thus a true statement of the facts of the case can logically imply a statement ascribing the ethical predicate ‘ dishonest ’ to someone .
17 Unfortunately , a glance over the rise will usually reveal a fat sheep chewing vacantly at some grass .
18 The computer may well use a list of terms deemed to be useful in indexing ( that is , a type of thesaurus ) to identify appropriate terms .
19 The computer will automatically select a player for you to control , but if you 're not happy you can change it by pressing the fire button and moving the joystick in the approximate direction of the player you would rather control .
20 The computer will simultaneously display a range of mutant progeny of the biomorph , differing from it in shape and/or colour pattern .
21 Yet all these potential users of computer systems are limited by the fact that the computer can not recognise a shape drawn on a piece of paper .
22 The contract will normally include a date for completion .
23 Provided that at a meeting of a licensing board the chairman shall not have a second or casting vote on an application for the grant or provisional grant of a new licence , and such an application shall be granted by the board only by a majority of the members thereof present and voting .
24 When an appeal was proceeding in accordance with ss 31 , 50 , 52 and 54 , TMA 1970 , the taxpayer could not litigate a point of law that had arisen in the appeal .
25 They imposed a two-fold test that the decision must both affect a person 's legal rights and also be taken by a court-like body .
26 This way the buyer need not fear a situation in which the supplier will run out of essential stock , and the supplier can plan on the long term to optimise his conditions of supply .
27 Especially because of all the evidence that different species , and different processes within a single organism , use variants of similar molecular mechanisms to carry out specified tasks , those with the good fortune to have the time to think about the data accumulating in the literature would probably reap a rich harvest of understanding .
28 Well , she 's young yet , she thought , and that leg of his was so far forward the mare could easily make a mistake .
29 The yacht will also host a number of ‘ sea days ’ , used by the Government and trade associations to drum up business for Britain , before and after the tour .
30 The starter will then wave a green flag to indicate that the race is soon to begin .
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