Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] of [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To the anatomists who worked in the museum or the dissecting room , processes that could only be observed in the field were of little interest .
2 Secondly , even if the applicant has not sought the alternative remedy , judicial review may still be allowed if the applicant alleges malice on the part of the decision-maker ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's interest in the action is of such importance that it deserves judicial protection : an example would be personal liberty .
3 Bowe 's disturbingly casual manner out of the ring is of more concern to both his rivals and his supporters .
4 In abandoning the sutures as a method of ageing , few features of the skull except the dentition are of much use for our purpose .
5 Furthermore , comparison of radiation doses required to induce protection in the irradiated sporozoite model of pre-erythrocytic immunity has indicated that antigens expressed early in development in the liver are of most importance for protection .
6 Thus , providing such information after presentation of the passage was of little assistance .
7 job availability in the south is of little value when inter-regional mobility is difficult .
8 The question was of some importance , for if Louis-Napoleon was not the son of Napoleon I 's brother Louis , who became King of Holland during the period of the satellite Bonaparte Kingdoms , then all his pretensions to the Imperial inheritance were null and void .
9 If the police could not prove that the accident was of such force and severity that the driver must have known of the accident , then the defence could put forward the saving in Harding v Price .
10 The picture was of such clarity that it might even have been a photograph .
11 The point is of some significance because a duty to balance the interests of present and future members would involve an expansion of the directors ' discretion , in effect , allowing them to justify their actions by reference to the well-being of the enterprise even though they are contrary to the interests of the existing members .
12 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
13 The point is of some importance : it would seem to follow that the end of the book was a hasty afterthought .
14 But the EXPERTS say the difference is of little consequence .
15 Smallholders in sheltered , low areas in the south-East of Britain , may grow a little maize in the vegetable garden ; otherwise the crop is of little interest to them .
16 However , one without the other is of little assistance in the preparation of this initial document .
17 One of them would not mind sacrificing himself if he thought that the other is of more use to humanity , but sees no evidence of it .
18 When citing cases , the mere giving of the name is of little use .
19 The sculpture of St John Nepomuk on the façade is of this date .
20 There is hardly any need to begin a book on new technology with an explanation of why the topic is of such significance .
21 These crops still provide the sustenance for animals and people , and hence , after settlements , the land use of the countryside is of most importance to the landscape historian : effective use of the land has always formed the basis of survival .
22 The actual outline shape of the tail is of little importance , it is the width that matters .
23 Despite the defeat of the current plotters , the main danger to the government was of another coup attempt , which was seen by many as almost inevitable , given the high level of politicization within the armed forces , the almost total lack of respect for the Constitution , and the inability of the President to move decisively and quickly enough against the disaffected elements .
24 A £3 charge for cycle carriage is reasonable if the journey is of some length and I do n't object to it on , say , the Edinburgh-London route .
25 A £3 charge for cycle carriage is reasonable if the journey is of some length and I do n't object to it on , say , the Edinburgh-London route .
26 Although almost all working-class housing in the novel is of that type , since it can better be represented as a ‘ home ’ , it was for that very reason much too expensive for the very poor .
27 The fact that the employer ‘ only sells a patented product to one customer and therefore [ the employer 's ] existence depends on sales of that product does not mean that the patent is of any benefit . ’
28 it takes too long to follow a human birth cohort through life — the information is of little interest at the end of such an exercise
29 " Just say that you are writing to confirm that you want a detailed report because the matter is of such importance to so many people , and are prepared to wait for it .
30 Burun gestured as if the matter was of little concern .
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