Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It stares at the windowlight and can not make it out .
2 The mind that can not conceive the benefits to accrue by a coming together and a binding by paternal ties of a people having common sympathy must be wayward indeed .
3 It is well known that things can happen in the mind that can not happen elsewhere .
4 Derived from the Greek words phyllon ( leaf ) and xeros ( dry ) , the phylloxera lives only on the vine and can not survive on any other host .
5 We are therefore exposed to incomplete explanations of events : we know of the famine but can not comprehend its causes , we are made aware of problems but can not fathom their resolution .
6 It might help you to doze off but you will probably find that you wake during the night and can not get back to sleep again .
7 A front-line supervisor only has authority over his part of the work of the organisation and can not issue instructions to another part .
8 It is set annually by the Government and can not rise by more than the rate of inflation .
9 This is because many children want to talk about the subject but can not find an adult in whom to confide or who is willing to talk about it .
10 ‘ It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go , ’ he declares uncompromisingly .
11 It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go
12 An example of this in the classical theory of general relativity is provided by a black hole , which is a region of space-time in which the gravitational field is so strong that any light or other signal is dragged back into the region and can not escape to the outside world .
13 Under the general safety requirement , retailers are criminally liable if they knowingly expose an unsafe product for sale , whereas in civil law , under the product liability regime , retailers are liable to third party victims only if they present themselves as the producer or can not identify the person who supplied them with the product .
14 Thus , a plaintiff who receives 'sick pay " equivalent to his ordinary pay has suffered no loss and can not recover damages ( Turner v Ministry of Defence ( 1969 ) 113 SJ 585 ) .
15 This is a condition that can not last ; it must be changed , must pass , or misfortune will result …
16 Your tutor may be generous to a fault but can not reward irrelevance or peripheral knowledge display .
17 The European Environment Agency ( EEA ) , formed in May 1990 , is without a home and can not function .
18 But such a checklist of questions can be a helpful prompt if you are faced with a passage and can not find a place to start .
19 For he makes me feel like a light-bulb that can not switch itself off .
20 This is a point that can not have escaped those who will be chosing the England/Scotland/N.I. managers .
21 There is therefore a ‘ knock-on ’ effect for every business that can not withstand the pressure of bad debts . ’
22 Rot is caused by fungi which live parasitically on cellulose since fungi have no chlorophyll and can not photosynthesize sugars for themselves .
23 I found , too , an assertion that fashion today is a sign that women 's emancipation is well underway — a claim that can not go unchallenged .
24 If your income is slightly above these levels you should still apply because the figures shown are only a guide and can not reflect every personal circumstance .
25 Interestingly , previous studies have shown that site-specific dephosphorylation in the C-terminal region of c-Jun in response to mitogenic stimuli converts the protein from a form that can not bind DNA to a form that can ( 15 , 16 ) .
26 ‘ I know what I want to say but I am not a millionaire and can not afford to see my family dragged into that kind of thing , ’ he said .
27 For example , in the word ‘ father ’ the second syllable , which is weak , is shorter than the first , is less loud and has a vowel that can not occur in strong syllables .
28 A system that can not generalise between task domains can not be intelligent .
29 A bird that can not fly is not necessarily defective .
30 Existing smear tests find slight abnormalities in 250,000 women every year but can not distinguish between those who will go on to develop serious disease and those who will not .
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