Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] was [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I got back to the base and was told he was dead my legs went from under me .
2 There seemed little doubt that Alex was the murderer , but Charles felt somehow he owed it to his friend to isolate the element about the case that was worrying him .
3 When Eb told his son the truth , Tom went to Cyclops Wharf , determined to put a stop to the blackmail that was making his father 's life a misery .
4 That was precisely the worry that was bothering her so much .
5 This sheet slipped from the clip that was holding it .
6 Backache , despondent and everything else but the comfort of the chappie that was training me , he said , Come on lad , you 'll be alright .
7 She had just walked the course and was making her way to the weighing room before the first race when she heard the familiar Bronx accent behind her .
8 The wheels churned , the engine labouring , and slowly the rock that was blocking our way shifted .
9 She had risen from the couch and was awaiting his approach , her consternation evident as if she had been caught out in some misbehaviour .
10 It was n't the wind that was moving it .
11 He did n't turn his head to identify the car that was trailing it in case he was recognized .
12 General Lee had entered Maryland with 50,000 men , but the Brigade that was skirmishing its way towards Harper 's Ferry had left nothing behind but blackened camp-fires and crushed grasses , while the advance line of MacArthur 's Guard moved warily upstream in the late evening in pursuit .
13 He had decided to show himself to the crowd , and take the plunge into the humiliation that was awaiting him .
14 She had returned to the window and was watching me photograph the posters .
15 Choking , he shifted one hand from his enemy to claw at his own throat , and instantly the fist that was strangling him heaved him roughly back from the edge and flung him down in safety at the foot of the wall .
16 I was not accompanying her to the home but was treating her to a taxi all the way .
17 I became really depressed because no matter how much I loved my children or tried to take care of them , I could neither keep the doctor at bay or the fungus that was destroying everything that it came into contact with .
18 the bloke that was organizing it , he was obviously a rip off
19 Half an hour later , Rosie was dreamily humming the same tune in the back of the taxi-cab that was taking her and Ernest home to Poplar ; they had slipped quietly away from the party , leaving the pub by the side door .
20 It could have been the second , but he had swallowed his pride when they had shown him the room that was allocated him .
21 My candle had fallen on to a Bible on the shelf and was burning it .
22 He was put into the picture and was asked his opinion .
23 Nothing mattered any more — except the truth that was breaking her heart .
24 It was n't the possibility of Louis learning of their presence in the town that was making her so nervous .
25 I thought a woman who was a little older and starting to feel a little out of it in terms of being attractive — had the sensuality but was losing it — might be more ambivalent about being raped .
26 But even during the Carboniferous the first true reptiles had evolved , and this was the group that was to make itself wholly independent of the water .
27 Clare began to feel a foolish kind of affection for the umbrella that was doing them both such sterling service .
28 Tallis remembered his fragmentary account of the battle of Bavduin , his incomplete memory of the legend that was ensnaring him .
29 He 'd put some more money in the meter and was warming himself by the newly-lit fire .
30 His wife had finished gathering the curd and was wiping her hands on her apron .
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