Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the materials they hold do not embrace the full range of information that future historians would wish to have at their disposal , but the expertise and experience that they have established should not be under-estimated .
2 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
3 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
4 All my abdominal bloating symptoms disappeared as well as the indigestion and heartburn that I always used to suffer .
5 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
6 The referees must have personal knowledge of the applicant and consider that he or she supports the aims of the Society .
7 We wish him and his wife good health and happiness for the future and hope that he will keep in touch .
8 The good news this year — the year of our 35th birthday — is that we have an increase in students attending our Teacher Training Course ; we must look to the future and ensure that we have not only more teachers , but a better distribution throughout the country .
9 As we are time-travellers we can peer into the future and notice that it is the professional class that will have the last laugh ; for the ‘ bourgeoisie ’ ( as Marx called them ) took over from the gentry .
10 3.10 If in the future and agree that it is necessary or desirable to register a copyright or other intellectual property right anywhere in the world with respect to the Licensed Products , and will co-operate and each take such action as is required to register the right in question in the name of the party to whom said right belong .
11 Officials of the ODA will work with local health personnel and through groups like the Red Cross to identify hospitals and clinics which will made good use of the aid and ensure that it gets to those who truly need it .
12 Place the key in the lock and check that it works from both sides .
13 ( i ) Derive the equation of motion for the ring and show that it is independent of the cross-section of the wire .
14 Oh well I look out onto the window and see that it 's
15 You believe in the hypnotist and believe that he can help you .
16 ‘ I need all the help and support that I can get in this latest folly .
17 Gatsby decides to take the blame and pretend that he had been driving and take whatever punishment comes , which in the end meant that he was shot by the dead woman 's husband .
18 Such research is evidence of the attention and care that she devotes to her writing .
19 b ) You can true up the work in the chuck and ensure that it runs true .
20 Obviously a married woman ca n't just get up from her chair at that time of the evening and announce that she 's going out .
21 Moreover , if , as the majority believe , there is a clear difference between rape of a cohabiting spouse and other forms of rape , then the public and a fortiori the judiciary will surely recognise the distinction and appreciate that it will be reflected occasionally in sentencing .
22 It always it it is always a thing that is i within football , y you get a goal and then you get in behind the ball and think that you you 're safe and you 're alright .
23 Yeah , if they 're delayed getting on the motorway and see that they 're doing it the other side coming off , they might be saying
24 What happens very often here is that participants are inspired by the social and professional intensity of the event but find that they have little to carry home with them except a heady sense of general enlightenment which is often quickly dispersed on its contact with reality .
25 But to provide security , comfort and a sense of worth to the parents and relatives who belong to us is a job worth doing and worth doing with all the compassion and love that we can give .
26 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
27 I pay tribute to the work done by my hon. Friend the Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) in the area and promise that I will assist him in his fight .
28 The next time you start your machine it will still show the lag or lead that it did before you tried to correct it .
29 I 'm not bothered about them you 've got tre you can go in the countryside and see that you 've got trees at well a lot of us have got them outside our own houses .
30 Ring the bell and say that you would like to adopt an old person .
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