Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Queen paused briefly to chat with children from the base as she made her way to view a specially prepared static display of the Corps ' role in providing technical and logistical support to the army .
2 H R T contains es oestrogen , which is highly beneficial to older women at the change when they lose their natural supply .
3 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
4 The parties are under no contractual obligation to allow each other to make representations to the auditor before he issues his certificate .
5 His ring sparkled on her finger , lit by the flames of a fire in the grate ; Paul had the fancy that she turned her fingers deliberately , enjoying the ring 's brilliance and the evidence it gave of prosperity and caste .
6 He knew that he was the winner because he saw his photograph in the newspaper the next day .
7 Chuck 's parents have some pride and care about the upbringing that they give their child(ren) showing that it is Bob 's character that it as fault and that his attitude can not be blamed on his economical situation .
8 It was through the OTC that I met my future husband , Eric , who was at that time a permanent staff instructor .
9 Why Martha transferred the money before she put her apron on I do n't know — I suppose it 's just that everyone has their own little routines for doing things .
10 The woman had no alternative but to hand over the money because she felt her baby 's life was at risk .
11 The intention of the plaintiffs was , to my mind , clear ; they expected to recover the money if they won their action .
12 The boys not scribing joined in by offering ideas and producing elaborate pictures , inventing new details to enliven the narrative as they developed their pictures .
13 This is certainly the case when we measure our intimate need of God before his word , in a constant life of meditation .
14 The play moved over to the other side of the field and they stopped their conversation for a moment to follow it .
15 It is always a pleasure to meet you in the field and I appreciate your commitment to creating a better housing business and providing greater satisfaction for our customers .
16 This is an interesting passage because Platt B. is effectively saying that an undertaking to pay this excessive charge had been extracted from the clerk before he commenced his search and that he could not honestly have gone back on that undertaking .
17 She flicked a pink anemone at him through the hatch and it hit his cheek so that he turned round and winked at her .
18 Peter Jones , 32 , of North Road , Darlington , qualified for the certificate when he gained his Third Dan in Shoto Kan karate at an event held at the Primrose Holly Holiday Centre on the outskirts of Scarborough .
19 What is the good of having Rod Hull 's Emu in the pulpit if he buries his head in the theological sands .
20 Afterwards she came into the kitchen while I washed her clothes and hung them on a bush in the garden to dry — and there was nothing in our words or manner to suggest that all this was not quite ordinary and everyday .
21 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
22 Ruth 's Medau training comes to the fore when she plans her class , and she has been commended for her ‘ whole-body ’ movement .
23 You can see the difficulty if you recall our discussion of Heisenberg 's y-ray microscope in Chapter 5 .
24 There is evil here , and you and I , Athelstan , will stay like good dogs following the trail until we sight our quarry .
25 It was silent again ; the click as he cocked his weapon made Thiercelin start .
26 The Editor has commented in previous editions of ‘ NG ’ that graduates of the former University College , Nottingham ( the University before it received its charter in 1948 ) and people who hold external Nottingham degrees are regarded as members of Convocation just as are those who have obtained their degrees after study on the Nottingham campus .
27 They have an arrangement with the University and they have their own buildings , and they collaborate with the people here , mostly in Engineering .
28 Come that we might see you in the people of every race , and commit ourselves to the hope that we celebrate our life together in true community and justice .
29 His experience with Mossadeq also convinced the Shah that he needed his own money , and outside the country .
30 ‘ Go on up to the cottage while I get my shoes on . ’
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