Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] her with " in BNC.

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1 Then I looked out of the window and saw her with Tony Duncan .
2 He was obliging , and liked to run errands for the girl and help her with the care of her old lady .
3 While Morton led Catherine gently away from the scene , Bragg lifted the child on to the barrow and covered her with the sacking .
4 He 'd stood up as he spoke , and came to loom disturbingly large over her before spinning one of the chairs at the table and straddling it , resting his forearms on the back and fixing her with an unfathomable gaze .
5 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
6 He stopped a pace or two away from the bed and regarded her with an unexpectedly teasing glint in his eyes .
7 She made a frantic leap to shake them off , as they lifted her back and front nearside feet over the rope and positioned her with her back to the revving Mercedes again .
8 ‘ The penthouse suite , ’ he announced and , inserting a key into the lock , opened the door and swept her with him into the spacious sitting-room .
9 The very day we got here he cornered her in the scullery and embraced her with tears in his eyes , saying adorada , adorada .
10 Tobias sat on the Independent and helped her with the pheasant pâté .
11 The face that confronted her with so much earnest goodwill and innocence , and with , she felt mistrustfully , such incalculable thoughts behind it , was square and brown , with a good deal of chin and nose to it , and an odd mouth with one corner higher than the other .
12 Aggravating factors include , for example , where the defendant is armed with a weapon or where he causes injury to the victim and threatens her with future physical punishment , extortion or kidnapping .
13 When she stepped into the helicopter in front of me , I had no alternative but to follow her with my heart in my boots .
14 ‘ He does n't live in a void , ’ said the poet 's wife on television , in a cut that shook her with its glibness .
15 For more than four years he rented a luxury flat near his home at a cost of £385 a week and showered her with expensive gifts .
16 The words were delivered with a flatness that stopped her with her hand on the door .
17 She 'd had a wondrous time with another man , a time that filled her with remembered textures and sensations , that would have left her smiling now if Parr had not become so damned intrusive .
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