Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] them to " in BNC.

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1 It is , therefore , our intention to seek to increase the range of NVQs offered by the Board and to market them to employers in co-operation with the Chamber movement .
2 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
3 ‘ Some lead such active lives that we found it difficult to arrange a time for interview , while others are so isolated and lonely that our interviewers felt guilty about terminating the interview and leaving them to themselves . ’
4 ‘ So , ’ he was saying to the Prince 's chauffeur as Owen arrived , ‘ you picked the two girls up from the salon and took them to the river at Beni Suef ? ’
5 These middle-class heroes and heroines returned from their exploits in the great outdoors of the Cotswolds or the Cornish Moors to the sound of the gong that summoned them to groaning tables .
6 Gardens of the world were made by gardeners who found new and beautiful flowers in the wilderness and transplanted them to a garden .
7 The first one on stage had to be the first off the coach that trundled them to and fro .
8 Starke was still talking , taking bits of paper out of the drawers in the desk and showing them to Grout , but Steven was n't looking or listening .
9 It is often seen only in the legal sense : severing birth parents ' responsibilities to the child and transferring them to adopters .
10 Sir Michael Clapham described the process as subjecting them to ‘ regular viva voce examination ’ .
11 And it seemed to her that she was at least two people , for the person who had plunged them into the forest and brought them to this spot was not the same as the person who sat here waiting for Allen to say what he was doing , and for the Friar to return .
12 The hill people cut the palms down in the forest and brought them to the shore for fish .
13 And I shall dip the fruit in the wine and feed them to you .
14 And er of course the point that Jack makes is the the point that brings them to faith is the work of the Holy Spirit , and not the work of anybody else .
15 If the spiritual realisations become bogged in the mud of the stagnant pond , materials stagger about pulling this way and that on the lead that joins them to their master .
16 She lifted the clothes out of the pot on the end of the pole and transferred them to a fresh-water butt to rinse .
17 Cornelius rummaged through the contents of the boot and found them to be very oily indeed .
18 before he was married his employer pictures off the wall and gave them to him
19 Note any lumps on the resident 's body , rashes , marks , etc ; discuss them with the person and report them to senior staff .
20 This book takes the practical issues of the day and relates them to students ' training needs .
21 He tore small pieces of cotton wool off the wad and stuck them to his face with blood , while singing ‘ The Motherland hears , the Motherland knows ’ in a scratchy basso .
22 Type such notes on one side of the paper and limit them to three or four sheets which can be laid out in front of you and not moved during the programme .
23 out of the catalogue and fax them to Jack could n't we ?
24 I wrote some letters on the train and gave them to my … servant to post .
25 Diana took the hint and left them to it .
26 Talbot led them to the wardroom and gestured them to their seats .
27 George nodded and Tippy brought them to the bed and handed them to him .
28 Within a few weeks of the Ashleys moving in , she drove up , knocked on the door and welcomed them to the area .
29 She always spoiled them , getting indelible make-up stains on the collar and wearing them to a state of greyness for a week at least .
30 Surely this love-struck lothario was not The Doc that bullied them to a successful FA Cup Final .
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