Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that be [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I was erm , put on just for in ninety seventy three and your question that you 're asked was and from nineteen seventy three till three years ago erm I know took my causes , I trust , put my trust in the doctors and erm over all those years I did n't realize that it was actually the tablets that was causing me the mental illness .
2 ‘ I 'd like to ask you , Charity , if it 's Hitler 's treaty with the Russians that 's making you talk like this to me , or … or is it Charles ? ’
3 In all the eyes that were watching her , that 's all she could see .
4 Because that 's the thing like , although if she did something a bit more traditional , it 'd probably please the likes of us but when you think , the kids that are doing it , if she says oh we 're doing something out of Starlight Express it 'll be aah !
5 She was far too conscious of the man whose own appetite seemed unimpaired by any of the emotions that were troubling her more and more .
6 And as soon as the the first ones forefeet touch the deck of the boat , the boat just disappeared and it was the trolls that was taking him home .
7 one of the things that was driving me mad in last part of my career was , I was responsible for documentation , the fuel issues on the , round a thousand of gallons a day .
8 Taking some of the questions that were raised I think we can deal with them quite easily .
9 It 's the theologians that are making it complicated .
10 If the food is already going bad , irradiation can destroy the bugs that are making it rotten ; so , with a low bacteria count , the food 's state of decay can not be spotted .
11 That he managed to summon enough energy to make any collections at all during his stay is something of a miracle ; had he been more thorough and punctilious in his methods he would have saved history , as well as himself , a lot of time and trouble when it came to corroborating the theories that were to bring him such fame , and infamy , many years later .
12 The girls that were using it reckoned that they were contacting ‘ the spirit world ’ but I reckoned it was all a big con trick .
13 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
14 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
15 Aye you know , holding them on the plank and th passing them to the But the the men that were stowing them , they were regular men on the They knew how to do it see .
16 You can stamp on toes , feet or shins ; knee him in the thigh or groin ; grab and squeeze testicles or pinch the soft inside of thighs along the trouser seam ; elbow him or her in the ribs or stomach if the person is behind you , or knee them in the belly if in front ; grab the little finger of one of the hands that is holding you round the waist or arms , and bend it backwards , forcing him or her to let go ; bite the side of the neck or slap a cheek or ear ; bash the nose with the front or back of your head ; force the head back by pressing your fingers up nostrils or squeezing the flats of your thumbs into eyes ; or even spit into eyes to make them blink .
17 Still having eunuchs in the choirs that was coming it a bit thick .
18 At last Mr Utterson mentioned the thoughts that were worrying him .
19 And luck , a commodity the spirited teenager had never been short of , played a crucial part in the events that were to set her on the path to millions .
20 Erm as er you went on as er as far as referrals were concerned and the objections that were raised you , you apacked really and , and , and went through and overcome those and at the end of the day you , you got the , you got really what you er what you were aiming for that er to get him to , to speak to these people between now and the next appointment so you could er , you could come back .
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