Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] and [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , the young officer weighed up the pros and contras and made the correct decision , for him and for yours truly , by delivering us to our front door .
2 First we thought something fell , but then 15 minutes later we came out and saw the crowds and police and realised it was a bomb . ’
3 Khrushchev could never forgive him for the cruelties and stupidities that brought Russia so close to defeat by Hitler .
4 The injection of considerable sums of federal money into many American schools in the 1960s , together with the programmes and methodologies that resulted , arose from and sometimes led to the conclusion that change in education was primarily a matter of provision .
5 Here you can descend into the secret underground haunts of the Smugglers of Hastings for a journey through time , reliving the dangers and excitement that faced Smugglers and Customs Men in times past .
6 Embark on a journey through time , reliving the dangers and excitement that faced smugglers in times past .
7 Elizabeth Mowbray , faced with the conflicts and uncertainties that had beleaguered the court during the weeks following Edward the Fourth 's death , had made plans to return with Anne and Joan to Framlingham until the tumult had died down .
8 This is , of course , part of the slow , gradual , painful process whereby Ministers are forsaking , step by step , all the policies and principles that underpinned the poll tax .
9 In fact , under the policies and leadership that demanded this , Labour could n't defeat the government in the worst recession since 1931 .
10 It is in this context that we must read the definitions and practices that constituted Victorian sexuality .
11 In the 1920s America had witnessed some of the problems of the modern world that was emerging after the First World War ; the confusions and uncertainties that revealed themselves became more acute as prosperity suddenly came to an end in 1929 .
12 would virtually take over completely , the section Cricket Green — Fair Green — Tooting Junction , providing the cars and crews that worked over it as part of a through service from a central London terminus .
13 They made a great many improvements , built houses , restored the lakes and park and enlarged the mansion house .
14 Wycliffe denounced the abuses and corruption of the clergy and Papacy and insisted that the authority of the Scriptures was self-sufficient .
15 Mine was ripped and stained around the knees and elbows and had a bright yellow crutchpiece .
16 So she remained silent as the taxi carried them towards the restaurants and bars that nestled beneath blocks of luxury flats overlooking the marina .
17 The months and years that followed saw the establishment of a much more substantial Soviet presence in Afghanistan than any that had previously existed , including political and economic links as well as a growing military commitment .
18 His eyes roved her features , as if he was recalling every item of the lines and planes that made up her face .
19 He went unannounced , many times , braving the bottles and firebombs that rained on his military convoy and donated his fees , to the Army Benevolent Fund .
20 She paused by the table with the bottles and glasses and looked at him .
21 IT WAS JUST like a genteel Hampstead tea party , at which celebrities mingled with the chattering classes among the cakes and biscuits and gossiped about the people who were n't invited .
22 Its troubles begin with the regulators and public that helped to create it .
23 We hauled up the pots , removed the lobsters and crabs and dropped the pots back in the sea .
24 With a sigh she knew that in the morning when the people returned they would bring with them the rivalries and ill-feeling that had spoiled everything .
25 He had his agents out in the bazaars and souks and offered a steady price for good information .
26 Their lifestyles focused on the social networks around the pubs and clubs that had emerged in the wake of Gay Liberation .
27 Their campaign reflected the uncertainties and weakness that led the Financial Times to back Labour .
28 The tensions and conflicts that arose out of Italy 's struggle for unification were paralleled in the art of the nineteenth-century by the antagonism between Romanticism and Realism .
29 The days and nights that followed this procession became filled with the ghostly rhythms of the Ma'badong dance a cumulative mantric tone intended to induce altered states , which most successfully we found , interfered with our capacity to keep a grip on the job of filming .
30 In the days and weeks that followed , Chola was sometimes well , sometimes ill .
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