Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [coord] they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The selectors did know the gender of the artists but they stressed their aim to choose a show that would appeal to a cross section of visitors .
2 I met the guys , loved the songs and they asked me to be their agent .
3 ‘ They could see I was taking it easier on some of the sessions and they told me so .
4 They bought the potatoes and they put them into this machine to mix them up with a couple of pails of water and then they drained all the taters off and left the milk that was left and used that for the baking .
5 Mcduff came with him to sit in the shelves and they took it in turns to keep watch .
6 I mean the Bradford Dukes always win at Bradford because I 've heard on the grapevine , not from me , that they 've got little bumps round the bends and they fill them in and only the Bradford riders know whereabouts they are , so they skirt round them .
7 Now they have aerial wires attached to the masts and they made me think they must intend to use her for some sort of electronic surveillance .
8 Often Hickey is besieged by fans who want him to turn up the vocals and they make their point forcibly .
9 I 'm in London I 'm in the nick I 'm in fucking Paddington Green for Christ 's sake , the high-security station they use for the Provos and they think I 'm so dangerous so much a security risk they 've got me here and even holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act Jesus God because some of them still are n't convinced they are n't dealing with some unholy alliance of the IRA , Welsh Nationalists and uppity jocks .
10 They know when to knock it to the corners , when to play it short , when to feed the strikers and they do it all with the highest quality .
11 Did you take er members complaints and things when you collected the dues or they had anything to pass on ?
12 He asked the masters and they said you can come for an interview .
13 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
14 ‘ My friend — ’ he meant Georgiades — ‘ he asked among the men and they say he was not one of them . ’
15 ‘ I did n't know where to begin looking for Mike so I called the police and they put me on to you .
16 When he again tried to speak to her at her friend 's home where she was staying , Mary called the police and they persuaded him to leave .
17 I phoned the police and they arrested him , then they took me up there .
18 The crash was heard by a hill walker who phoned the police and they called us .
19 Let there be no mistake : the Oxford public strongly support the police and they have our confidence .
20 Okay , suppose Come Up And See Me goes in the charts and they ring you up and say , ‘ Steve , how do you fancy going on Top Of The Pops ? ’
21 They make sense to the children and they permit them to make sense of their world .
22 Now if you 're doing fractions with the others and they know their tables what 's going to happen ?
23 Er we 've got a little few earmarked funds left over like for instance , Theakston 's Brewery gave us the barrels and they gave us two and a half thousand pounds .
24 One Christmas I hit one of the nuns and they expelled me .
25 We know a lot of the regulars and they know us , so they play a game with the store detectives .
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