Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fold the strip along its length where the corners occur so that you have a sharp , straight crease for each angle of the tin .
2 He wanted the days to pass so that he could be back at Ravenswood School , safe in the dining-hall and his classroom .
3 It is usual to have the boards running so that you look down them as you enter the main door of the room .
4 When they were asked what the ( say ) ‘ egg ’ was ‘ really , really ’ the three-year-olds answered correctly that it was a stone , but when asked what the object ‘ looks like to your eyes ’ they also said ‘ stone ’ .
5 The Embassy was trying to have the bodies released so that they could be flown back to England for burial .
6 Copyright is a complex subject and it is vital that the professional artist is aware of the issues involved so that he or she can make the most of opportunities and guard against exploitation .
7 On June 21 the Israeli Ministry of the Police said instead that they would be " interrogated " .
8 The Socialists claim proudly that it is their most left-wing manifesto since since they came to power in 1982 and hint that their liberal finance minister , Carlos Solchaga , is for the chop .
9 John likes to keep the horses separate so that they do n't kick each other , but Hopscotch often jumps into Milton 's paddock to keep him company ; and sometimes if the weather is bad , one of the children 's ponies is turned out with him , otherwise Milton , who is a bit of a softy , will hang around by the gate in the hope that someone will take pity on him and take him back to his warm stable .
10 One mother was distraught , the others said tightly that they had really not expected anything else .
11 The findings indicate however that it is not so much the carers ' preferences which do or do not change but their feelings about the feasibility of those preferences .
12 If it is unnecessarily bureaucratic the engineer should seek to have the systems modified so that they contribute more cost effectively to improved quality .
13 What organizing principles must the cells have so that they reliably give this pattern , even when the cells are rearranged and the length of the line varies ?
14 It will incorporate the functionality of Windows for Workgroups , and will include its own native 32-bit file system and device drivers integrated with a Windows kernel so that it will not technically require MS-DOS to run , although it may be packaged so that MS-DOS 7.0 , which will also include the 32-bit features , has to be installed first .
15 It will incorporate the functionality of Windows for Workgroups , and will include its own native 32-bit file system and device drivers integrated with a Windows kernel so that it will not technically require MS-DOS to run , although it may be packaged so that MS-DOS 7.0 , which will also include the 32-bit features , has to be installed first .
16 Congress , President , the government have got no guts to announce publicly that their intentions to privatize the N H S on a date that will give the leading time with the razzmatazz and P R that they 've done before to sell shares , to sell shares in the British public in a public nationally held N H S , there will be no seats , there will be no Inspector Morses and others as there 've been with Telecom , gas , water and electricity .
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