Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [conj] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It goes without saying that professional programme makers turn to the experts when it comes to obtaining authentic props .
2 There was no way we could put TI money into the company , we could n't justify doing that to the shareholders because it looked to us as though BA was going to go under .
3 The big , the big advantage Chair , and one of the reasons that it appeals to us to , to go along with Age Concern on this is that , as you know , the area of activity in terms of day centre provision in which they are very active , is one whereby on the current grant mechanisms for community care , and our need to spend eighty five percent in the voluntary and independent sector , whilst they were directly employed by us , we could n't divert a substantial amount of that money in their direction if they wished to develop services .
4 He says it was flicking through the frequencies when it locked onto a call and he recognised the voice as Diana .
5 Adam was under one of the lamps as it burst to life .
6 Standing in the back of one of the pick-ups as it sped across the hard sand , with the dust spiralling out behind us across the vast plain , it seemed that a whole new world was opening up .
7 SD ACOUSTICS IS ANOTHER IN THAT RICH crop of small British manufacturers with something interesting to say to the discerning listener who is wiling to seek out a brand that is by no means as widely distributed in the shops as it deserves to be .
8 As the air catches the membranes , the fish is lifted above the waves and it glides for hundreds of metres leaving its pursuers baffled .
9 It must be a matter of personal judgement , as well as political debate , as to whether the gains outweigh the losses when it comes to sustaining such a manichean , ‘ black and white ’ view of the world .
10 Judith Milner , a Healthcare consultant from Leeds pulls out all the stops when it comes to selling the range of services .
11 The phenotypic effects of a gene are normally seen as all the effects that it has on the body in which it sits .
12 But we shall now see that the phenotypic effects of a gene need to be thought of as all the effects that it has on the world .
13 But they are the exceptions and it has to be stressed we are looking at the patient in a wider context .
14 As noted by Anthony Diamond Q.C. , if the cargo owner was a party to the bill of lading it was subject to the disclaimers whether it sued in contract or tort .
15 In general terms , a landlord ( like a vendor ) should disclose to the prospective tenant any defects in title that may not be obvious to the tenant unless it was clear that the tenant knew of the defects when it entered into the agreement for lease .
16 It is like the surface of an orange : if you look at it close up , it is all curved and wrinkled , but if you look at it from a distance , you do n't see the bumps and it appears to be smooth .
17 There were times when I was starting in at the cattle that it stood between me and the road .
18 I am happy to acknowledge the views of the Northern Ireland Economic Council , and the questions that it had at the time of its submission need to be dealt with .
19 As my hon. Friend says , this will be an important opportunity to discuss with President Yeltsin both the international difficulties posed by the break-up of the old Soviet Union and the extent to which the west might usefully help the Russian Republic in the difficulties that it faces at present .
20 This result could have been spelled out more clearly in the statutes but it seems to me to follow from the provisions of the statutes as they stand and , contrary to the argument of Mr. Page , to be no more curious than the alternative for which he contends .
21 Does not that show that the Government could best serve the CBI by running the economy in such a way that inflation is kept down and does not reach the levels that it reached under the last Labour Government ?
22 The River Aire , then purple with dye from the mills as it coursed under Leeds Bridge , began its journey as a pure , gushing stream tumbling cold and clear down through Airedale from Malham Cove — not far as the kestrel flies .
23 A third party whose candidates may obtain many thousands of votes in each of the constituencies that it contests without ever coming top of the poll in any , can amass a national vote in the millions without winning a seat .
24 Will the Minister join me in welcoming the ceasefire which is under way in El Salvador and the prospects that it brings for a long-lasting peace ?
25 You then go an make a cup of tea whilst the computer reads through all the files until it comes to the one you want .
26 One thought succeeds only because of the relations that it has to innumerable other potential thoughts .
27 watered down the terms so it came to nil .
28 Militarisation worked for the Nazis as it had for the Prussians in that it helped control large numbers of people , allowed a cheap and easy growth of populist emotion and nationalist identity and became the mainspring of industry by providing demand .
29 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
30 Lack of an alternative summer team sport protected cricket between the wars and it benefited from a brief post-1945 resurgence in numbers , but then numbers fell so dramatically that by 1965 they stood at about a third of the post-1945 years .
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