Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pron] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Once a child has survived his vulnerable first five years , his expectation of life naturally increases , but this increase will vary in direct proportion to the dangers which he has so far evaded : thus the United Kingdom 5 year old can now expect to live until he is 75 , the American until he is 72 .
2 yeah , well yeah I mean one of the blokes I he said just over a pair of
3 That the dominions which he had so laboriously assembled fragmented upon his death ( indeed , his position in Norway had collapsed before it ) is a pointer to Cnut 's abilities , and of how individual , and hence transitory , political achievement could be .
4 For the next thirty-five years he published a spate of pamphlets and books on the subjects about which he felt strongly and the authors whom he admired deeply or disagreed with emphatically .
5 As an alternative , he tried on occasions to tax them in assemblies which were not parliaments nor yet independent clerical gatherings , but he alarmed the clergy either by the writs which he used then or by the presence of his lay councillors at the meetings .
6 Pliny 's standing as author of the Historia Naturalis was such that not a few of the beliefs which he set down without personal commitment have continued to influence popular superstitions for nearly two millennia .
7 I mean he 's such a good son in law to me , he really is , I mean he , he , he 'll help Pete with any thing , especially when they lived here , he 'll help Peter with any thing and erm , he 's very , very good to Deb , he get 's in after a days work , he does the shopping and housework , look 's after the cats which he does n't particularly like
8 He would allow no exceptions to this fundamental rule ; but he did not exclude growth within a framework authoritatively established , and he could help to reshape the future through the men whom he chose as prior .
9 The context was an action in the Norwegian court to set aside a retrospective tax assessment which had been raised by the Norwegian tax authorities against the estate of a deceased taxpayer who , it was alleged , was the beneficial owner of the assets which he had not declared for tax purposes .
10 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
11 The main doors of the cathedral are the original bronze ones , 1186 , by Bonanno of Pisa , which have 42 sculptured panels depicting the Old and New Testament ; they are similar to the ones which he did later on Pisa Cathedral ( p. 149 ) .
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