Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The missions are well varied , but the planes themselves have a feeling of ‘ sameness ’ about them that just suspends belief .
32 In this area , and others we support , it 's the individuals which make a company 's role in the community so well received .
33 Ideology , the ideas which rationalize a person 's class interests , obfuscates scientific analysis .
34 Now er all the waggons they had a registration plate on .
35 ‘ I do n't want to bore you , ’ Harvey said , ‘ but you should understand that these heaps of wire can practically think — linear programming — which means that instead of going through all the alternatives they have a hunch which is the right one .
36 The purpose of this paper is to examine a similar issue , the nature of sex determination , and the implications which attend a rethinking of the old certainties .
37 Okay , maybe I should know all this by now , but I do n't and I bet there are a lot of new readers who also read the mag and in many of the reviews there comes a point where they say to themselves , ‘ what 's one of them ? ’
38 We have no wish to ruin the stationers who make a profit in this way but , if you are studying and making notes correctly , you will need vast quantities of paper , which you clearly can not afford to buy in this costly fashion .
39 From a non-evolutionist standpoint , however , the problems that can be posed concerning the state , within a Marxist conception , are limited to the following : the formation of the state as a consequence of a structural transformation of primitive communal societies ( so far as these can be properly located and studied ) ; the types of state which correspond with determinate , historically realized , modes of production , and the conditions which produce a transition from one type to another ; and in the case of capitalist society , the structural characteristics , including the contradictions , which may effect a transition to another ( unknown ) type of society .
40 Then I remembered the guns which made a lot of smoke .
41 and Melinda his wife runs Simply Delightful which is wh that 's one of the things she has a shop
42 As for me , the things I expect a computer to do have advanced somewhat .
43 An imposing wooden staircase and gallery leads up to the suites which have a bedroom and a sitting area or sitting room , a bathroom , TV and telephone .
44 The British played an important part in triggering off a European response to American signals that large-scale aid would be forthcoming only if the Europeans themselves demonstrated an ability to co-operate and to produce a programme for recovery which satisfied American criteria .
45 In many of the prints one gets a sense of the particular light and weather and the effect of these on the fells .
46 But if instead of the terminals you substitute a network of personal computers or other intelligent workstations , you gain several advantages .
47 Christien plays Roger Vandervent , the teenage son of one of the families who has a crush on his father 's mistress .
48 The qualities which make a girl smart and successful at her work would similarly make for her success in the marriage market . "
49 best-rule can also make its choice depend on the node N itself and on the properties which characterise a goal , Goal-conditions .
50 And it is not just the customers who have a lot on their plate here , the scope for experienced catering people with an HCIMA qualification is enormous , with real responsibility early on , rewards to match , and genuine opportunities to consolidate your management skills and progress at a startling pace .
51 One widow and four unmarried people were sharing the little house , and still they had to find room for the customers who wanted an ounce of tobacco or a portion of snuff .
52 I moved out among the Nell Gwynnes with cast-iron facials and the Redcoats who rode a Jaguar unafraid .
53 On the way down the stairs they passed a maid and he issued very firm orders without stopping for one second .
54 As she mounted the stairs she heard a radio playing in one flat , a woman 's voice in another .
55 But for the sisters it meant a chance to get to see more of each other .
56 Surprisingly , it was the Nazis who made a gift of this public park to Prague .
57 The passengers who use an airport will think it too barren of temperament to have anything so interesting as an atmosphere , but for the people who work there its moods are as mutable and contagious as any other place 's .
58 Two hundred years ago if you wanted to show off to the neighbours you built a tower on a hill which they could n't help but see for miles around .
59 The villagers who owned a cow made arrangements with those that did not .
60 She first visited in March last year with her mother thanks to the villagers who started an appeal when they heard about the serious burns Elena suffered in a domestic accident .
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