Example sentences of "[art] [adj] example of how [art] " in BNC.

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1 Aviemore is a classic example of how a good idea has gone disastrously wrong because commercial needs have overridden environmental sensitivity .
2 Wedding rituals in either case are a classic example of how the statements made by participants in a particular context should not be taken literally or at face value but must be interpreted as standing for something else , rich in ambiguity and figures of speech .
3 This provides a striking example of how the long-run incidence may differ from that in the short-run .
4 In my view the TAC is a working example of how an old-style committee meets the requirements of openness and accountability .
5 " This is a clear example of how the strength of the environmental lobby directly threatens the long-term economic viability of our communities . "
6 But for one of Britain 's top policemen , it 's a graphic example of how the whole legal system is failing to do it 's job .
7 Anderson and Barrios ' ( 1961 ) experiment is a typical example of how the folk wisdom that you should always ‘ put your best foot forward ’ is made amenable to experimental investigation , and then transformed into scientific knowledge .
8 Here is a straightforward example of how the Maxwell Fyfe directive is ignored .
9 The development of the in-can system that has led to the successful introduction of Canned Draught Guinness and Guinness Draught Bitter is a fine example of how the application of technology and innovation can produce outstanding results .
10 ‘ The Mars development is a major example of how the oil industry is applying innovative engineering and technology to develop oil and gas reserves cost-effectively in areas and water-depths hitherto unthinkable , ’ said BPX chief executive John Browne .
11 Finally , the DUC was later to share its experience of campaigning tactics with other community groups , such as those opposing lignite mining near Lough Neagh and those opposing gold mining in– the west , and to provide these groups not only with its campaigning expertise but also with a shining example of how a community could defeat outside interests by grassroots organization .
12 Endometriosis is a fascinating example of how a new diagnostic technique has transformed the understanding of a disease .
13 The reaction to female ministers is a prime example of how the Church is only now entering the 20th Century kicking and screaming .
14 Kitcher gives a good example of how a theory becomes accepted by the generality of scientists : Alfred Wegener 's theory of continental drift achieved acceptance after half a century of intermittent discussion only when the concept of plate tectonics provided an acceptable mechanism .
15 A good example of how the foregoing Swiss rules operate was offered by the Goldberg case ( held in Indiana in 1989 and involving Byzantine mosaics stolen from a church in Cyprus and purchased by an American dealer in Switzerland ) , where the American courts concluded that the dealer Goldberg would have been deemed a purchaser in bad faith under Swiss law if it had been applied .
16 A light prism gives a practical example of how the same object viewed from different standpoints gives different images : one person may see only white light while others see all the colours of the rainbow , yet both perceptions are true to reality and not figments of distorted imagination .
17 This is a marvellous example of how the new sociological dimension was giving some films a new prestige and a new relevance and thereby gaining Hollywood new friends .
18 The Rules of the Supreme Court were in consequence changed to allow general use of documents read in open court — an ironic example of how the European Convention can still be necessary to enforce a principle which derives from , and should be fundamental to , British domestic law .
19 The ‘ beech tree climax ’ is an oft-quoted example of how a particularly dominant species exercises long-term domination over the natural life of a particular area .
20 An important example of how an EC directive can affect UK law is to be found in the Product Liability Directive ( 1985 ) , which brought about the Consumer Protection Act 1987 ( see below ) .
21 Lise 's dance when she sweeps the floor before helping Mother Simone to spin is an excellent example of how the subtle timing of gesture can be and is helped by the appropriate choice of music .
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