Example sentences of "[art] [adj] and [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 His thick straight black hair was parted high on the left and plastered to his skull with hair oil .
2 Read the facts about the subordinate and think about his work style .
3 On one side is the spineless Bishop Barrantes , representing the worst aspects of the Church 's mugwumpery and corruption ; on the other is Father Maby , confidant of Elena and friend to the poor and displaced in his jungle retreat ; his work is less glamorous than the revolutionary 's , but his wisdom and gentleness make him the unexpected hero of the novel .
4 He was put on a ventilator under sedation , and was given drugs through a drip to take down the bleeding and swelling in his brain .
5 Stephen pulled down the blind and sat at his father 's desk , opening one drawer after another .
6 So saying , disdainfully Lexandro left the scriptory and returned to his small cell to recite in private one of the liturgies they had all been taught .
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