Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The return journey was made without stopping at Yakutsk ; it proved a dull uneventful day with nothing to do but watch the undulating Siberian tundra drift past beneath us .
2 They did not see that the rampant nationalism that had brought Presidents Tudjman and Milosevic to power would so fan the flames of separatism and so reawaken the enmities of 50 years or more , that the compromise that might well have been possible earlier this year and which the European Foreign Ministers have since tried to impose has now become impossible .
3 In fact , if it had n't been an important point of principle not to let the damn impertinent man get away with his nauseating behaviour , she 'd have let the whole thing drop .
4 Even for the materials described here , all the combined scientific efforts have still only made comparatively small inroads into the accumulating list of unsolved questions .
5 Even at the most constantly watched setts , the badgers can sometimes become nervous if they catch the scent of a stranger , particularly if there are none of the usual human visitors present either .
6 Tory politicians of the so-called New Right have undoubtedly been the most active in promoting these ways of thinking , and the ‘ law-and-order ’ question played a major part in Mrs Thatcher 's victorious election campaign in 1979 .
7 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
8 Except for a brief moment in 1920 ( the Hands off Russia movement ) the British working class have never thought or acted internationally .
9 The detailed slower numbers work well , but I ca n't help feeling that the group would love to break into a stomping rocker more often .
10 Thus , the different tRNA-modification enzymes vary considerably in their sensitivity to perturbations of the tertiary structure of their tRNA substrates .
11 Many of the old imperial stations have now been replaced .
12 Erm lots of new photographers exhibit there and lots of the old established photographers exhibit there .
13 The old fired boilers have now gone , their space to become a technical development area in time .
14 Many of the old industrial communities have long been a desert for women 's employment .
15 In Eastern Europe since 1990 the old communist parties have largely disappeared , but new socialist and labour parties are beginning to emerge ; and many West European communist parties have also reconstituted themselves , under different names , as social democratic parties .
16 It is not clear whether the transition from one quite understandable activity to another that would have made the old commercial librarians blush even to contemplate ( one thinks of Day 's library ticket with its ‘ Scarce books and books out of print carefully searched for ’ ) was simply a question of the slippery slope in a semi-literate world .
17 Category Definitions — The old driving groups have now changed to categories in line with European Community practice
18 Through an alcoholic haze , Manville saw the dark blue Dodge pull away from the opposite kerb and cruise towards him .
19 The remaining 42 vessels have always been registered in the United Kingdom , but were purchased by the companies in question on various dates , mainly since 1983 .
20 Some archaeological evidence and observations indicate that the stone was already being carved during the late Archaic period , and surveys in the vast quarrying area have also revealed signs of occasional pre-Roman stone-cutting techniques .
21 The motivation has n't changed — the equipment has changed , some of the pressures have changed , the emphases have changed , but the actual essential personalities have hardly changed at all .
22 Deane and Cole have pointed out that the statistics of migration during the early industrial revolution suggest little in the way of a south-to-north population drift : " What is surprising is the comparatively minor role played by migration in the early development of the main industrial areas . "
23 This happened in China , and some of the attractive paintings collected by John Reeves in the early nineteenth century have recently been published at the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
24 Proportional representation in Parliament might translate into disproportionate power in government in a way that would make the established first-past-the-post inequalities look rather more fair than is often seen to be the case .
25 In the personal social services field there has been reference to the need to encourage self-help and voluntary action to keep down the cost of providing professional social care .
26 The following four chapters move away from fieldwork , to consider various aspects of data handling and analysis .
27 These groups have no reason to feel that the white male-dominated unions have ever done much to serve their interests .
28 There is a disproved theory that the Romans brought the white cattle to Britain ; however , the white Italian breeds differ fundamentally from the White Park type in several decisive respects .
29 Your rowan has surpassed itself , and though the pretty pink berries have now been eaten by the birds , the leaves are a lovely mixture of typical autumn shades .
30 He watched the little electric cart trundle away , then he turned and took Shelley 's hand .
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