Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] and i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No , well like I have n't learnt it , I ca n't play I can play up to a certain bit in the start and then I can play the rest of it like , it 's just one I ca n't get it 's just real annoying , I have the at the right pitch and I just
2 It 's also the case and I 'm not trying to malign any part of the private sector and I certainly do n't want to be the subject of a libel action , but it is showing a tendency to grow in directions that are contrary to the hard won ideas of good practice in statutory provision .
3 The latter is the usual pattern and I only know it to be his as the items came from the family .
4 looked around and said well he said looked at me said er well cos he was just about to g throw a wobbly and say , well surely the sales department should be dealing with this , should be should be giving him the information and he he just turned round and gave the aforementioned quote and I just sort of went yes it is .
5 As the hon. Gentleman and I both have constituencies in the city of Oxford , I was interested to learn of the comparatively recent endeavours to introduce motor projects there .
6 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman and I certainly give him the assurance that he seeks .
7 This may be a reasonable philosophical argument when we are thinking in brief human terms , but the stratigraphical record and I both seem to prefer the doctrine of Thomas Osbert Mordaunt : " One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name " .
8 He 'd hit into the heavy gorse and I honestly thought he was going to take a seven .
9 There were only three spaces available on a concreted section of the front garden and I normally left these for the use of Mrs Bradshaw and the two families who lived in the second-floor flats .
10 But it sprawled and flailed round in the small room and I suddenly realized it was going to attack me .
11 I ca n't afford to fight this in the American courts and I genuinely fear for the safety of my children . ’
12 I made sure I was well prepared before the big day and I especially took time in deciding my dress .
13 At the height of his troubles we had a similar conversation … only the boot was on the other foot and I just used the same words back to him .
14 Somebody re-mixed You 're My Best Friend the other day and I always thought it would be nice to re-balance that stuff , but when we got the tape out , it was all on one track , so that 's it . ’
15 so he said it 's across the board put four thousand quid 's worth off him the other day and I only give fifty pence off he said so I ca n't do much for you .
16 I do n't shut all the internal doors and I certainly do n't pull most plugs out at the socket .
17 But I 've never been one of those guys who set out to be a technical guitarist and I still do n't refer to myself as a technical player .
18 I was once a professional cook and I still love mixing sauces .
19 You have got to enjoy yourself to be able to complete at a top level and I still love my running .
20 It was a funny article and I thoroughly enjoyed it .
21 I believe that pensioners have had a raw deal and I fully support the petition which states :
22 Two white lads and a coloured one and er it was a white girl and I often wonder if that 's a good idea er whether they should all be the same colour .
23 He was a great man and I never ceased to admire him , either discussing critically the quality of a poem or composition , analysing the contents or production of a programme , dealing with the political aspects of CBC policy from Head Office or just enjoying himself in a piano duet with Arthur Benjamin .
24 It 's a great honour and I only hope and pray I wo n't let Monsieur down .
25 Oh it was funny with Alison when I first saw her on when she was still a terrible state she let it all out in a great scream and I just let her talk and talk and talk
26 They say a week in politics is a long time and I now know what they mean .
27 I 've known Becky for a long time and I never thought she 'd go public with what is a private afffair … it may in part be naivity … but I think some of it was vengence .
28 ‘ I was a decent bloke and I never had syphilis neither , ’ Mr Sugden explained , ‘ I had lead poisoning , that 's why I went bald . ’
29 It 's a forced move and I just ca n't bear the thought of her and the children having to live like that . ’
30 The munitions workers are not forgotten , including Joan Williams who wrote of her new job : ‘ It was nothing to leap out of bed at 5.15 on a frosty morning and I almost danced down Queen 's Road under the stars , at the prospect of the day 's work before me . ’
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