Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [conj] give he " in BNC.

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1 A second cafe also refused the French note but gave him drink and black bread .
2 He went straight out , went to four families , whose names immediately suggested themselves to him , checked his facts and figures , got in while discussion was still on and flatly contradicted the great John and gave him the facts and figures to prove it , to tell him that he was wrong .
3 ‘ Anyway the woman in the bus saw his picture in this evening 's paper , told the local bobby and gave him the boy 's uncle 's address which the lad had passed on to her the previous evening .
4 Here we show how TODAY produced a slimline Santa and gave him a new modern look .
5 And she put it before Gabriel on a wooden plate and gave him a wooden cup full of water .
6 In addition , the war years had turned de Gaulle himself into a national leader and given him a unique symbolic identity , and yet had left him an inexperienced politician without an organized or cohesive following .
7 It was a glittering prospect and gave him the courage to brush his hand against Eloise 's breast as he kissed her goodbye .
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