Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the unmistakable impression created is that the police violence was justified : they were ‘ tired of being pushed and pelted with house bricks ’ for 2 hours .
2 The clear message sent is that voters have lost faith in existing governing parties that enjoyed riding the long boom of the 1980s , but have no policies for a post-Berlin Wall Europe .
3 The Scottish midfield of Gary McAllister , Paul McStay and John Collins was also thrusting forward in an unfettered way and the overall impression given was that Andy Goram , who had begun the game with an unblemished record at international level inside Ibrox , would not be bettered by Malta where Italy and Portugal had failed .
4 One current explanation as to why the dinosaurs died and the mammal-like reptiles survived is that the dinosaurs were cold-blooded : when conditions became arctic , the dinosaurs just died .
5 The basic reason given was that the traditional rating system failed to produce democratic accountability .
6 So the second factor that the Prime Minister overlooked is that the existing chamber in Strasbourg is simply not large enough to accommodate the extra numbers of Euro MPs who will be elected to the European parliament , not so much as a result of the Edinburgh agreement , but in fact as a result of the er enlargement that is in prospect .
7 The general impression conveyed is that these women would not necessarily be more satisfied with work if they saw more people , but that they would certainly be less dissatisfied .
8 The only problems encountered were that I tended to catch my chin on the high foam on the front and shoulder elastic was slightly against skin .
9 One consequence of the bleak winds sensed is that the advocates of these disciplines turn to showing just how useful they really are ; or could be , with a little tinkering of the curriculum , with a little information technology here , an element of ‘ transferable skills ’ there .
10 To calculate the number of ways this chain can be added to a lattice , the necessary restriction imposed is that the segments must occupy r contiguous sites on the lattice because of the connectivity .
11 The attitude to the Asian women employed is that they should be hired and fired as needed .
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