Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [pron] is [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then they want to build a new one where the old one is at the moment .
2 The obvious one is by a chemical message leaving one cell and diffusing to the next — rather like speaking .
3 The initial one is to the left , avoiding the whims and cluster of seven bunkers on the right , ’ advised the player 's guide he had bought for 25p , ‘ after which shots should be aimed directly at the flagstick . ’
4 The fundamental one is between a famous university on the American West Coast , Plotinus , and a more modest but still self-respecting one in the English Midlands , Rummidge .
5 Er one is like the traditional school of though and the other one is like the feminist way of looking at things .
6 There are two contradictory images ; an idealised one is of a benign , wise , peaceful old person , available to listen and perhaps to advise and to draw valuably upon life experience .
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