Example sentences of "[art] [adj] of [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Veteran abstractionist Helen Frankenthaler turns up until the 17th of this month at a new gallery — new , that is , for her — Knoedler .
2 During his twelve years as director , he doubled LACMA 's annual attendance to nearly one million visitors , and more than doubled resident membership to 90,000 , the largest of any museum in the country .
3 We may be pardoned for reproducing a part of the opinion of The American Annals of the Deaf of this quarter on the subject : " The retention of the word " Dumb " — which in America has been dropped from the titles of the Convention of Instructors , The National Association , and several State Associations of the Deaf , and many schools , as well as from the United States Census — is probably due to a vote to that effect by the conference held in London last January ; but as our British friends who constitute the Association seem to favour American precedents , we trust that on further consideration they will follow our example in this respect alone , and omit the objectionable word from their title " .
4 It was only with the American-led development from the 1900s of geriatric medicine as a new specialty , followed in the interwar years by self-help books and clubs encouraging older people to keep fit , travel , keep working , and — at least from the 1950s — stay sexually active , that informed European opinion began once more to swing towards a positive view of ageing .
5 The interest rate is adjusted on the 23rd of each month after publication of the RPI .
6 One puts it down to American intervention : in particular the role of ITT , the supplying of arms to the Chilean armed forces and the cutting-off of economic aid to Chile .
7 So what we 've got here is we 've got the integral of some function of X
8 Fig. 6.7(b) shows the function l/ [ fl ) — 7LV ) ] and the shaded area , , corresponds to the integral of this function with respect to stepping rate for rates between 0 and f1 .
9 For this degree the coefficient is then the integral of this integrand over the standard interval .
10 It is often better to bite your lip and let pupils charge off in the ‘ wrong ’ direction , because the more of this kind of work you do the less you will be able to define ‘ wrong ’ .
11 Russian officials during talks in Moscow on Aug. 31 proposed the writing-off of all debt between Estonia and Russia .
12 All hotels and guest houses listed in this brochure comply with a Tourist Charter which sets standards which are amongst the highest of any resort in Britain .
13 His Government have , after all , lifted the tax burden on the British people to the highest of any Government in history .
14 DELYN Borough 's planning department received 42 appeals against its decisions last year the highest of any district in Clwyd .
15 DELYN Borough 's planning department received 42 appeals against its decisions last year the highest of any district in Clwyd .
16 He was the great great grandson of Sir Randall Mac Donnell , the first of that branch of the Mac Donnells to bear the title Earl of Antrim .
17 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
18 THIS year Waterford Wedgwood is set to make its first profit since 1988 and the first of any size since 1986 .
19 It is the first of this kind of thing that I have organised and I would like it to be a success .
20 Some astronomers have convincingly argued that a BL Lac object ( a clumsy terminology referring to the first of this class to be discovered ) is simply a quasar with one of its beams pointing straight at us .
21 S. Nicodemus is the oldest of this group of churches but was excessively restored and altered in the nineteenth century when the campanile was built .
22 On completion of the swim — the coldest of any triathlon in the world — the competitors dash to their bikes for a three-lap , 42k road race , taking in Windmill Hill , which has been dubbed ‘ the Beast ’ by the world stars due to its length and steep gradient .
23 Pete , who honed his career up at Hope Street in productions like John McGrath 's The Bofers Gun , now finds himself in the thick of more flak in the new movie , The Last of the Mohicans , which opened last night .
24 But by then paging will be in the thick of furious competition in mobile communications .
25 Pyramid Technology Corp will unveil its latest generation of commercial multi-processing RISC-based servers on the 13th of this month in the US — the 15th in the UK .
26 As incessant rain lashed the town in late July , 1798 , to be followed on the 28th of that month by one of the worst floods in living memory , John 's health can hardly have improved — and who knows what bacteria he was daily picking up from his father 's butchery ?
27 The Leisure 200-S offers you the best of modern design with the instant control of modern gas technology with full ignition to the hotplate , oven and grill .
28 Finally , in late December it is hoped to record a live show featuring the best of Irish talent including people like Dermot Carmody , Mr. Trellis , The Comedy Cellar and others .
29 Do n't miss this opportunity to see the product of a European system that makes the best of emerging talent by staging work to a high standard .
30 Looking at the best of chemical engineering within AEA is what the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service will be focusing on in a two day conference starting on 30 November 1993 .
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