Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [n mass] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unsafe act audits were carried out by the management , by the weekly staff and by the contractors .
2 ‘ The history of marine science is intimately associated with the development of techniques for obtaining the raw data and with the vessels from which the observations were made .
3 His duties included the preparation of a handbook of Instructions for the use of farriers attached to the British Cavalry and to the Honourable Board of Ordnance .
4 The purpose of this policy was twofold : to offer new and larger horizons to the French people and to the army , so as to divert attention from Algeria ; and to safeguard France 's position from outside encroachment until such time as more favourable military and international conditions ( an end to the Algerian war and the development of a French atomic arsenal ) gave him the opportunity to unveil his long-term strategy .
5 Such dressings-down of the local bosses were naturally popular with the ordinary people and for a while at least they helped to foster the paternalist image of the General-Secretary .
6 They range in size from microscopic flatworms to the giant squid and by the process of evolution over the past hundreds of millions of years , have adapted an amazing variety of different ways of perpetuating their own kind .
7 Differences can also be observed in the primary data and in the consequent values obtained for the parameters of the Richards functions .
8 These inspired the Chinese people and within a few years , there had been major efforts to move away from the centralised , planned economic system which was typical of communist regimes .
9 The treatment itself was distressing and made him feel very ill , but the care and kindness of the medical staff and of the radiologists made his time bearable for both of us .
10 So eager were the Highlanders to be in action that they charged forward prematurely , to be swept by further fire from the hated artillery as well as by musket shots from the opposing infantry and from a detachment under the 18-year-old [ later Major-General ] James Wolfe , posted on the royal left flank , which took them in enfilade .
11 Border chose not to expose his all-seam attack , so ineffective in the first innings and in the recent draw with New Zealand , to the chance of further indignity .
12 It is not difficult to see why corporate crime has not received the same publicity as murder , robbery , theft , rape and so on — both in the mass media and in the study of crime .
13 Despite attempts to glamorise those who died fulfilling their ‘ internationalist duty ’ in Afghanistan , there were many letters in the Soviet press complaining of the one-sided treatment of the war that had been provided in the Soviet media and of the failure to make proper provision for the wounded on their return to the USSR .
14 Nationalism and racial delusion led to genocide , in particular of Jews from all European countries , of the people of the Soviet Union , of the Polish people and of the Romanies and Sintis .
15 It will benefit from the feedback from experience with the development of the earlier series and with the operation of the 900-MWe units .
16 Silence fell immediately , a silence only made more absolute by the sound of a distant cannon and by the gurgling of rainwater .
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