Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] it [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In other words Braque is in effect saying ‘ My picture is an object , a flat surface , and the spatial sensations it evokes are a painter 's space which is intended to inform and not to deceive . ’
2 Though in the old days it had been she who had braved her mother 's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself , while her sister stuck grimly to her books and her duty and her long-term plans .
3 DEC was trying to gain visibility last week for the 661 companies it says are porting programs over Alpha .
4 DEC is trying to gain visibility for the 661 companies it says are converting programmes for Alpha RISC .
5 There can be no doubt that in the 112 years it has been standing on the embankment it has become a part of the London scene .
6 Marketing thrives in an atmosphere where the future direction of the corporate entities it serves are chartable .
7 ‘ We 've always tried to keep the game open and in this respect for many of the younger players it has been a learning experience , ’ said Gray .
8 Another strength of the initiative has been the sophisticated analyses it has been able to produce .
9 The Commons inquiry was denied access to intelligence sources , and its report was published despite the many questions it said were still unanswered .
10 Among the many conditions it treats are sciatica , high blood pressure , depression , asthma and bronchitis .
11 The blast has led to concern that the bank might be forced to decamp to another set of temporary premises — its third resting place in the 18 months it has been in existence — although this now seems unlikely .
12 A number of manufactures showed an early interest in the group and among the first products it evaluated were alarm systems and home security ideas , doors and new types of door handles , windows , kitchens and bathroom fixtures .
13 When the algorithm starts with an empty grammar , the only symbols it has are those in the text .
14 Yet from the earliest times it has been suggested that in the insane there is indeed a hint of genius and , by the same token , that originality demands a degree of lunacy .
15 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
16 The other positions it takes are presumably negotiable .
17 Carroll House was the second Italian-owned winner of the Arc in the two years it has been sponsored by the Italian hotel chain Ciga .
18 in the million years it has been taking
19 The interior of Mr Broadhurst 's caravan had remained unchanged during the four years it had been sited at Cliff Top .
20 Full discussion of it is left to Section 5 , where the main points it raises are more relevant .
21 Despite all the efforts on the part of the School Board and the local parents it has been decided to close the Woodhall Drive building and transfer the nursery children to the Primary School Annexe in Baberton Avenue .
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