Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now we continue by looking at the inside workings of the process at the national level , beginning with a discussion of executives and assemblies .
2 The independent adjustment of each side meant that jaws could also be positioned at infinitely varying angles , and the grooves on the inside faces of the maws were useful for clamping copper or plastic pipe or dowelling when cutting .
3 There was a spatter of life and talks in the queue that Holly joined and that stretched twice around the inside walls of the Kitchen .
4 It is clearly desirable that the amount that a nation spends on health be included in the estimate of GNP , so the total expenditures of the state as well as private individuals are included .
5 Although the NRA has not included indirect costs whether economic or environmental , it has included indirect benefits in its estimate of the total benefits of the scheme .
6 The total proceeds of the sale were approximately £2,900 million .
7 If the Latvia project is successful , then the total resources of the Brain will come into use . ’
8 Village foundation was to be yet another example of developing the total resources of the estate , and in such enterprises the landowner was supposed to display concern for his former tenants newly displaced .
9 Er if you stand back from our situation and see it that er the contribution rate for employees was reduced from sixty five per cent for er a company i it became a balance of cost and that works out now at five per cent , so the total inputs of the scheme is ten per cent of earnings and that was down from eighteen per cent .
10 A quorum shall consist of 50% of the total members of the Executive Committee entitled to vote .
11 The proposals would cause disproportionate damage to the Legal Aid Scheme — cutting the number of legal aid certificates by 30% in order to make a saving of only 4% of the total costs of the Scheme .
12 If successfully claimed , 50 per cent of the total costs of the training would be refunded by Grampian Enterprise .
13 But these deposits constituted a small part of the total assets of the Argentines , since most people kept their wealth in dollars .
14 What proportion of the total expenses of the Temple this subsidy represented we do not know , but it was certainly very substantial .
15 They wilt readily learn to distinguish light from dark and there is some evidence that they can also distinguish patterns and colours , although it must be said that this capacity is extremely limited compared with the normal capacities of the animals concerned ( Pasik and Pasik 1982 ) .
16 As between themselves , the purchaser and the vendor are bound under the terms of the sale agreement by the decisions of the expert , but the provisions in the sale agreement do not prevent the aggrieved party , whether it be the purchaser or the vendor , from attempting to bring a claim against the expert if it can be shown that such party has suffered loss under the normal principles of the law of negligence ( see Arenson v Casson Bechman Rutley & Co [ 1977 ] AC 405 ) .
17 The result is that the concentration of neurotransmitters in a synapse increases and the normal actions of the neurotransmitter is enhanced .
18 The army may include as many Heroes as you wish within the normal limitations of the points available .
19 The army may include as many Orc or Goblin Big Bosses as you wish within the normal limitations of the points available .
20 The army may include as many Heroes as you wish within the normal limitations of the points available .
21 A control chart can now be constructed based on the normal conditions of the process , the upper and lower limits being as shown in Figure 7.8 .
22 A control chart can now be constructed based on the normal conditions of the process , the upper and lower limits being as shown in Figure 7.8 .
23 The texture of the novel is in part created by the juxtaposition of dead metaphors and new ones created by slight adjustments to the normal patterns of the language : " … the sun looked down into the top of the dead tree and breathed warmly on the two people " ( p. 142 ) .
24 These discoveries raise intriguing questions about the relationship between viral genes and the normal genes of the cell .
25 He was not wise in the affairs of the world , nor did he wish to be : he simply challenged the normal assumptions of the world and gave his attention to eternal truths and individual souls .
26 ‘ School ’ , he writes , seemed to have one aim , ‘ to keep us out of the air and from following the normal pursuits of the fields
27 The Dutch were probably right , to judge from a handwritten note de Gaulle gave Chancellor Konrad Adenauer at that time : ‘ The supernational organisms of the six , which tend inevitably and abusively to become irresponsible superstates , will be reformed , subordinated to governments and used for the normal tasks of the council and technical business . ’
28 These movements are similar to the normal rotations of the pelvis when you stand up , so the patient is practising them in order not to jerk upwards awkwardly or sideways as he stands , as this would inevitably knock him off balance .
29 The first two illustrations show the normal appearances of the male and female external genitalia , the male being uncircumcised .
30 A further problem with the lesion method is how to move from the symptoms produced by the damage to a description of the normal functions of the brain area concerned .
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