Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They will be able to relax in leather-upholstered comfort in the stylish bar before repairing to the dining room to enjoy the finest of food from the estate 's own farms .
2 Now he could smell the burnt-phosphorous of tracer in the air .
3 So I think that what he has done is to try and meet the concerns which your Lordships have have expressed er i in second reading My Lords er I did think if I might say so with the greatest of respect for the Noble Lord , Lord Harris of Greenwich whom I admire en enormously and not for er only for his views which erm depending upon what the views are er that it depends upon my extended admiration
4 Ministering on the front line under fire he showed conspicuous bravery and was awarded the MC for his tending of the wounded under fire during the attack on the Messines ridge .
5 I ca n't think he was helped by all the upset at home during the past 18 months — mum taking a new man , & more or less telling both children that they could go & live with their Dad ( or Dads ) .
6 The learner , too , needs to have a sense of purpose , and wants to regard the tutor as the professional in charge of the learning situation ( FEU 1990 ) .
7 That , that 's the one you have to remember which one you put on which , that was the left on top of the right , now the right on top of the left yes , come on
8 That 's the right on top of the left okay , right on top of the left , now you 've crossed over again left on top of the right , put that through there okay yeah
9 Gallaudet , a firm believer of the combined system , and by leading deaf people like George Healey of Liverpool , and by experienced teachers or missioners of the deaf in favour of the combined or sign system like Elliott , Welsh , Rhind were all largely dismissed or ignored in the Report 's recommendations , which were in essence that the Pure Oral system should be used to educate the deaf and that teachers for the deaf should be properly qualified , experienced in teaching in ordinary schools , and be in possession of all their faculties .
10 Seconds later the muezzin of a hundred Delhi mosques called the Faithful to prayer with a loud cry of ‘ Allaaaaah hu-Akbar ! ’
11 The tremor , centred some 30 km south-west of the capital , reportedly measured 5.9 on the Richter scale , the strongest on record in the Cairo area .
12 These other approaches for the most part reflect a leading feature of most twentieth-century philosophy — the revolt against Absolute Idealism of the Hegelian type , with its tendency to downgrade the individual , the personal , and the historical in favour of the ideal and impersonal .
13 But the county council does accept that trends for migration into the county are there and the county council can not turn off the top to turn off the tap to reclu to preclude any further migration into the county .
14 Instead he had referred to the " widespread disappointment and apprehension which now exists among the British with respect to the policies of the new United States administration " .
15 In the interests of détente , because of our belief in the value of friendly relations where possible , our government agreed to return this criminal to the British in exchange for a Soviet citizen falsely accused in London .
16 ‘ The taste of the British in housing is like the taste of the British in food in the Fifties , ’ MacCormac says .
17 The back lane marks the line of the old through road of the area which was then diverted around four right-angle bends to enable it to enter the new market place .
18 He was entirely comfortable with the predictable opinion of the Senior Chief Inspector of Schools who confessed that ‘ I am not much moved by what appears to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many when one result is certain to be that the quality of the person required to fill posts of great importance and of a highly specialized nature is likely to be degraded . ’
19 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
20 One is clipped on the inside so that the occupants of the cabin may open the hatch and the other is clipped on the outside for rescue from the cockpit .
21 Manslaughter by omission occurs where the accused in breach of a duty imposed by law fails to carry out an undertaking , whether contractual or otherwise , and the victim dies as a result .
22 The second in line to the throne was still known officially as ‘ Baby Wales ’ and it took the couple several days of discussion before they arrived at a name .
23 Col. Luis García Lozano , the second in command of the San Sebastián military zone , was shot dead in San Sebastián on Jan. 2 by a commando of the Basque separatist organization ETA .
24 Once again this week you need to do the following in preparation for the " Grand Review " : review your weight loss record any reactions you experienced make a note of any foods you have discarded note the positive drinks or foods that you have discovered .
25 It was only in 1880 , after fierce quarrels , that English dissenters were given the tight to burial in the parish churchyard by their own pastors .
26 ‘ I 'm feeling like an ancient monument but I think there is a lot left , ’ said the 48-year-old pop veteran who had a string of hits in the Seventies including Leader Of The Gang and Do You Wan na Touch .
27 At the National Library of Medicine ( NLM ) an early CAI program was designed at the beginning of the seventies in conjunction with the George Washington University Medical Centre .
28 Yet in practice there is a huge gap between the best and the worst of management in the NHS , and " macho management " on Taylorist lines is still far too common .
29 He had been born in Jamaica but came to England in the 1940s to work in the steel industry .
30 The founder of the theory of scales which is commonly used as the basis for social measurement is the psychologist S.S. Stevens , whose ideas began to crystallise in the 1940s in response to a challenge issued , in 1932 , by physicists and psychologists of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to " assess the possibility of " " quantitative estimates of sensory events " " .
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