Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [that] had been " in BNC.

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1 The narrow staircase that had been revealed when Guy had removed a grille from the wall of the tiny chamber had been so black that Isabel had forgotten her embarrassment at their surroundings .
2 She saw herself as providing the political resolution that had been lacking hitherto .
3 ‘ Ken most of the folk hereabouts ? ’ demanded the customer , uncorking the bottle with his teeth and filling the grubby glass that had been set in front of him .
4 Viktor had sketched the green enamel and the twinkling diamonds in the tattered book he 'd taken with him from the charnel house that had been his home .
5 He paused only the once , gazing down at the burnt meat that had been his friend and comrade for so long .
6 He was smarting from the clerical opposition that had been marshaled against his nonsectarian charter for Cornell University .
7 did Mr ask you any of the questions about updating or the historical pattern that had been shown by management charges ?
8 However the frontal , main attack towards the Mort Homme had barely moved from its point of departure ; stopped by a veritable wall of gunfire from the French artillery that had been anticipating attack from this direction for many days .
9 Recent estimates of the size of the slick put it at 2.5m-3m barrels of oil , not the 7m-barrel monster that had been feared .
10 The social provision that had been Britain 's thank-offering to an expectant postwar world after 1945 had left the problem of poverty , in some respects , remarkably and alarmingly unaffected .
11 Like Jane Austen , he is also well aware of the social divide that had been created by such villages , for he observes that ‘ the possessors of extensive parks abhorred the appearance of a human habitation , however humble or however distant ; and the first object of a new settler , of the rank of a gentleman , was , generally , to purchase everything around him ; and to seclude himself in a sort of artificial forest , for his own exclusive enjoyment and that of his friends ’ .
12 Holly no longer looked at him , he stared back at the stunted ruin that had been the office of the Commandant .
13 The joint statement that had been issued by the two leaders at Geneva also addressed some of the issues that had arisen in the arms control negotiations .
14 I think erm when I started doing low temperature physics about twenty-five years ago or so , the lowest temperature that had been reached was around about erm two milli-kelvins from absolute zero .
15 In this way the autonomy and spontaneity of the individual subject that had been the original goal of enlightenment might be retrieved .
16 When Daine had first come to the City , he had — I knew for a fact — taken over a large proportion of the vice business that had been run by Paul Muni , a mobster whose empire had fallen thanks mainly to the investigative efforts and single-mindedness of — you guessed it — criminologist Claude Rains .
17 All this happened in the area of the tent , the warm place that had been their haven .
18 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
19 Collecting up her leaflets , she made her way up to bed , and gave in to the little grin that had been trying to break out a few minutes before .
20 The issue of a leadership challenge made an immediate return to the top of the political agenda : the discontent in the parliamentary party that had been barely suppressed since the spring resurfaced with a vengeance .
21 Even at seventeen , which up to now had been the high point of her existence , the passions raised had not one tithe of the sizzling fire that had been generated by Benedict .
22 It was two more hours before they reached the barbed-wire perimeter that had been erected to stop the Germans breaking through .
23 There was also concern about the environmental damage that had been suffered as a result of decisions about economic development taken in Moscow rather than in the republics themselves .
24 Our doctors were delighted for they knew they would soon need expert surgical help , but secretly they enjoyed showing the ‘ greats ’ who had little rooms adjoining each other on that top floor , the good work that had been done in ‘ the acute exanthemata . ’
25 He pulled the woollen cap that had been in the pocket of his overalls further down over his close-cut hair .
26 Marie , sick and trembling , overwhelmed with fear and guilt at her own actions , was already kneeling down with a dustpan and brush , sweeping up the broken glass from the tomato-sauce bottle that had been on the table .
27 He glanced around the large , pleasant room in the first-class hotel that had been booked for her .
28 They looked about them a bit hazily and then at the bleeding half-thing that had been the young boy and scuttled into a corner .
29 He saw the great slice that had been hacked out of the table .
30 Nanny stood on the bridge that spanned the ornamental lake and looked back at the beautiful house that had been her home for the last thirty years .
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