Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] it had " in BNC.

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1 The only other shop was Hargreaves at the lower end of Brown Street between Trinity Street and St. Ann 's Street — generally known as the posh end for it had a number of very large houses .
2 The nature of the Church and its tradition were central to the unfinished business from Vatican I ; Modernism and the Roman reaction to it had left serious questions about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible and about the development of doctrine ; the Liturgical Movement was already revealing both the need for major pastoral renewal and a vision of what its fruits could be , not merely inside the Catholic Church but also in its ecumenical relations .
3 Yesterday , however , the council sent a fax to the Advertiser stating the legal action against it had been dropped .
4 While he had been talking like an estate agent , getting his full value out of the situation , the full embarrassment of it had been dawning on Jenna .
5 The extreme delight of it had almost shocked her ; it was her one personal extravagance .
6 A garbled version of it had somehow reached England .
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