Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The duppy can only operate at night and will expect a reward on returning to its grave .
2 At the same time as the context was rarefied , the Minimalist object was turned into a high-tech , mass-produced commodity — now the container and the contained can both go into circulation .
3 But he did in actuality what the British could now do in India only in fantasy .
4 Having tried everything , the British could then exit with honour , leaving a civil war situation .
5 Where two tractors are of equal power , the heavier will probably need to be in a lower gear to pull the same weight .
6 I did not know what to say in reply , so I took his hands and held them beside my own , showing first the backs , then the palms , then measuring them one against the other , palm to palm — something the Japanese would often do in comparing their smaller , lighter hands with my grosser ones .
7 But what the Allies could do , the Japanese could also achieve at that time ; only in later months would American sea and airpower prevent the Japanese reinforcing their island garrisons .
8 The following may also appear beside the tag to indicate the current state of the media unit in the Offline cycle :
9 To these questions the following may also need to be added .
10 The 106 will certainly feel at home in our garage parked alongside a 405 and 205 .
11 Secondly , in the absence of further punishments , the subordinate would gradually slip into reading his newspaper again , even when you were around .
12 Interference with or removal of the latter will inevitably lead to changes in the reservoirs of nutrients and their inter-reservoir fluxes .
13 They suggest that the principal growth fault in the Mesozoic may simply propagate from the subcrop of the thrust and extend towards the surface at a steeper angle , as illustrated by the Mere Fault ( see also Lake 1975 , in connection with the structure of the Weald ) .
14 The report concludes that London is likely to experience a longer hangover from the late 1980s boom than the rest of the country ; economists ' forecasts that new jobs in the capital during the 1990s will only grow by 48,000 ( 4.9% ) means that there will still be a lot of space available , and office tenants should be the beneficiaries .
15 But the former will only switch at a relatively low speed ( 42MHz ) , and the latter produce complex , power-hungry circuits .
16 The history of the Community is the history of the pooling of policies previously attributed exclusively to nation states ; so the same may well happen to foreign and security policy .
17 The same may well apply to those from the Maikop burial in west Caucasia .
18 The same may soon happen in America : on Marlboro Friday , the country 's biggest retailer , Wal-Mart , launched its second own-label line , Great Value .
19 And the same would actually apply to the erm redundancy payment .
20 The same ma-y also apply to the non-corporate sector ; however , we treat its output ( Y ) here as being produced under perfect competition .
21 Thomas Paine was one radical who accepted the inevitability of representative rather than direct democracy , but urged that in order " that the elected might never form to themselves an interest separate from the electors , prudence will point out the propriety of having elections often " .
22 Although the impact was perhaps less calamitous than in Scotland 's heavy industry , the blows dealt by the collapse of orders in the 1930s would eventually lead to the permanent eclipse of Edinburgh as a printing capital .
23 There are , in fact , times when the young will actually appear to be bigger than their mother .
24 I have shown that the psychological arrow is essentially the same as the thermodynamic arrow , so that the two would always point in the same direction .
25 IBM Corp has teamed up with Enabling Technologies Group Inc , Atlanta in an effort to plunder Hewlett-Packard Co 's Domain/OS customer base : it will offer Enabling 's Arpus collection of tools and services to assist organisations moving from Domain/OS systems to IBM 's AIX/6000 Unix systems ‘ while protecting the customer 's investment in business-critical applications ; ’ the two will particularly go after the 15,000 Domain/OS customers that use Mentor Graphics Inc 's electronic design automation tools .
26 And to move from B to Z movies , connoisseurs of the bizarre can now lay in their own copy of Edward Woods ’ Plan 9 From Outer Space ( Palace , £14.99 ) , once voted the most incompetent film of all time .
27 Cynics will automatically suggest that with the market at a low point , the art celebrities of the 1980s will naturally gravitate to the obvious locus of celebrity : Tinseltown .
28 He was not simply T'ang , he was Seven , and the Seven would never act on this .
29 It might be that in a list of names every tenth name is the leader of a section of ten people ; to sample by every tenth would then result in either a sample of nothing but leaders or a sample with no leaders at all .
30 The testator made a valid will duly executed with the assistance of solicitors in 1978 .
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