Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't say we really got to talk properly until we played tennis together at Kyalami in 1976 , just before he took up his Lotus drive , but it was evident from the first that he was of sound mind and body and somehow radically different from any other driver I 've met before or since , and if I were pressed to say why that is so , it has to be because of his utter imperturbability .
2 He 's not the same when he 's at work .
3 The extent to which this is an objection to Locke 's actual views will depend , as in the case of the brave officer , on whether they concern what makes a person at one time the same as he is at another , or concern moral matters of praise and blame .
4 Philonous , in my dialogue , is much the same as he was in Berkeley 's dialogue ; but Hylas is a changed character .
5 One skinhead two skinhead three skinhead four kick the fucking while he 's on the floor .
6 But a day had come in the Sixties when he was in one of the elephant houses and was staring up at an elephant as it walked neurotically round and round its tiny area when a sudden memory of some of the places he had been kept in during the war had come to him ; no space , no freedom , no life .
7 Did he have a little cos he 's in er oh no , of course he 's wearing the blue of Scotland is n't he ?
8 Get a two and he 's on a winner with !
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