Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [pron] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She never asked Melanie to come and listen to them and , on these occasions , Melanie , alone with the live dog and the painted one in the kitchen , felt that nobody in all the world cared whether she lived or died .
2 A modern dulcimer is more like the lower one in the photograph , with a double first string .
3 I BELIEVE the decision I made was commonsense — the right one in the circumstances .
4 ‘ It will be a bit of a wrench , but the England team manager 's job is the top one in the business and if I had n't accepted it , I might have regretted it in later life . ’
5 It is the duty of the inventor to build a new gestalt for the old one in the framework of society .
6 George is the taller one in the glasses , who has the accent and slightly stiff manner of a public school house master .
7 This first capacitor is then connected to the second one in the chain via a buffet stage so that it passes on the sampled voltage .
8 THE recession of 1980–81 was the worst anybody in the engineering business had seen ; now plenty of people think the current recession is causing still more grief .
9 The protestant version has variants as to how pure this church is or whether it remains sinful , but the evangelical version which is the basic one in the North of Ireland opts absolutely for ‘ Jesus Saves ’ ; the community , no longer medium of salvation , tends to take on a visible , earthly role , an occasion of grace and a support for religious ‘ this-worldly ’ activity .
10 His assertion that the problem remains and is handed down from the first generation of Homo sapiens to the present one in the institutions of religion and art seems to be , prima facie , very plausible .
11 It is proposed to re-estimate the export sector using a world regional disaggregation more suited to current patterns of trade than the present one in the model .
12 Of the sixty lots in the Meikleour property which kicked off the sale , only six mainly lesser pieces were unsold , a tribute to Christie 's cataloguing and estimates .
13 The skinny one in the Amsterdam with the rat-trap mouth .
14 At Sotheby 's , 84% of the 248 lots in the furniture session sold , a strong total but results for some of the higher-estimated lots were not outstanding .
15 Furthermore , they will know that such disturbances will force them to produce a level of output which is not the optimal one in the sense that it is not what they would in advance choose to produce at a price of P .
16 His encyclical Mediator Dei , published on 20 December 1947 , was the first one in the history of such documents to be devoted exclusively to the liturgy .
17 Perhaps I could er answer that in er I think there are probably four points that er come out to my mind erm the first one in the airframe engine combination , a very high degree of agility .
18 He was fixing to get rid of the first one in the divorce courts .
19 We do n't want the first one in the morning .
20 The first one in the morning often has all sorts of rubbish in .
21 The company expects to unveil the first one in the region in York at the Clifton Moor Retail Park within months .
22 As her last teaching term ended Classes arranged their own forms of appreciation , complete with gifts and Marlow Class ( the first one in the Area ) laid on a surprise part in the 400–year old cottage of their Class Secretary .
23 On 6 July 1979 , the last market was held there and the following week , the first one in the Agora .
24 It was the phrase , ‘ in private ’ , that was the critical one in the change to the law recommended by the Wolfenden Committee , and it is the distinction between public and private that also effectively separates the two major camps in all the morality debates in this period .
25 The wide gulf between the merchant-capitalist clothiers of the West Country woollen district and the out-working weavers they employed was frequently contrasted with the bridgeable one in the West Riding between the working clothiers and their journeymen .
26 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
27 Did you know that I was the only one in the management meeting that picked that up ?
28 Sometimes I 'd wake up and find I was the only one in the middle of the big bed .
29 The door to his own apartment was the only one in the hall on this level , a few yards down and on the left .
30 He was the only one in the mess who complained about Roddy 's preference for outside lodgings rather than barracks quarters .
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