Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The total losses have been of the order of 25,000 , but the fact remains that there are still more than 140,000 people directly involved in the defence industry and more than 120,000 indirectly involved .
2 In Harrogate , three of the largest hotels have been in receivership , with many others fighting to survive .
3 The largest increases have been to women aged 20–24 ; about 4 in 10 of their births were outside marriage in 1989 , more than four times the proportion in 1971 .
4 There have been substantial population losses in the more industrialized and urbanized regions , including the South East , North and North West , while the largest gains have been in the South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands .
5 The rapidity of Japan 's economic and political transformation and the enduring influence of Tokugawa practices and ideas into this century mean that in Japan , as in other late industrializers such as the USSR , agricultural issues and the impact of the rural sector have been of crucial importance throughout the past 150 years .
6 The outstanding examples have been in the dating of town defences , as demonstrated by Philip Corder in 1956 .
7 Since the First World War the railways in the developed world have been in decline , their role usurped by motor transport and in particular the car .
8 The hon. Member for Linlithgow is only too well aware of how successful the central institutions have been in working with the expertise in the Scottish Office .
9 I also could point out , again , the shameful irony that the most dramatic advances for women have been almost entirely confined to the industrial world ; that the worst declines have been in poor countries among those very women whose work creates the wealth that buys us our freedom .
10 The culture is named after a village away from the lake , though the better finds have been at Sesto Calende , the town at the end of the lakebound autostrada that heads north from Milan .
11 Had a case of a claim by a child for damages for pre-natal injury come before the English courts in the period from 1972 to the enactment of the Act of 1976 , and had it been as well argued as the present cases have been in this court , I have no doubt that the English court would have been referred to Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 and Duval v. Seguin , 26 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 418 and would have preferred the views there expressed to Walker v. Great Northern Railway .
12 I was about to remind the hon. Gentleman that the present Government have been in office for the past 13 years and therefore must accept a great deal of responsibility .
13 Many of the present team have been with the organisation at least since 1974 when Mr d'Ancona , an assistant secretary with the Department of Energy at the time , was asked to implement a political decision to transfer the headquarters of the fledgling organisation from London to Glasgow .
14 Although there is actually little that is novel in ‘ sociobiology ’ , for the key elements have been in the air since the writings of Sir Ronald Fisher and J. B. S. Haldane , the extensive if not exhaustive application of population genetics to social evolution means that the relevance of evolutionary biology in the social sciences can no longer be ignored .
15 The contentious proposals have been under consideration for a number of years , says English Heritage , and are not principally attributable to its new director , the controversial Jocelyn Stevens , widely seen as a hardline , Thatcherite free marketeer .
16 Most claims for SHP are still made in Scotland and the north-east of England , but the sharpest increases have been in the south-east and south-west , where claims have risen ten-fold or more .
17 Previous issues from November 1990 to the last edition show that the major features have been on Gabby and Steffi , Zvereva and Martina and Monica , Capriati and Monica , Anke , Jana Novotna and Arantxa respectively , evidence of a fair and even representation of all women players by Tennis World .
18 The visiting players have been in England for some days , and all four are becoming understandable twitchy as the time to make the first moves approaches .
19 The identification of the extra meanings mentioned above can only take place once the initial sentences have been in themselves understood .
20 ( a ) How meaningful would the first statement have been to you without this additional information ?
21 Er , we have been in er organising these new seats , about the same time as the Labour government took in nineteen seventy eight , er I said that when I intervened upon him and I say it again it 's worth paying on the records , exactly the same pressures have been on us as were as on them .
22 In the main , the biggest improvements have been in child health and the process of childbirth .
23 Rates have fallen in all regions but the biggest drops have been in regions with the highest rates .
24 We used to do the live show that was never broadcast — it was just the bit after all the other stars have been on stage and mimed to their records for the audience .
25 And would it be impolite of me to enquire exactly where you and the other officers have been for the last eight hours ? ’
26 SunSelect — Sun 's PC-to-Unix connectivity satellite — demonstrated technology enabling NT users to access Unix systems via PC-NFS at last November 's Comdex Fall trade show and the two firms have been in discussions ever since .
27 The women at the sit-in issued the following appeal : ’ On the occasion of International Women 's Day , we , the Palestinian Women have been on a hunger strike since February 23 , 1989 in solidarity with our sons who have been holding hunger strikes in Israeli jails in protest against their inhuman prison conditions .
28 Around 730,000 of the new registrations have been through the Share Information Office and the rest with the many Share Shops set up by banks , building societies and other financial firms .
29 The postcard he wrote to Hanns at the end of the tour reveals John plunged into deepest gloom : ‘ My dear — The past weeks have been like an unforgettable nightmare .
30 The main losses have been in the relations between staff and the prisoners .
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