Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] in [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps surprisingly the country which on balance has experienced the largest deficit in trade on a manufacturing basis with the EC is France .
2 ONE aspect of Mr Lamont 's forthcoming Budget which will surprise no-one will be the usual increase in duty on drink and tobacco .
3 Over £200,000 has been spent on transforming the old Patons ballroom in McMullen Road into a plush nightspot which will feature some of the top names in show-business on stage .
4 Despite the vast increases in expenditure on education in real terms recently , the public are not satisfied with the performance of our schools .
5 Can I just come back Chair , and I recognize obviously there is er , further work that 's going on with this and support that it does , but there is a case with the Parliamentary Ombudsman in discipline on this at the moment , so on the way in which it 's been handled by the Ministry .
6 A very fine example is provided by the natural arch in limestone on the river Ardèche in the Cevennes to the west of the Lower Rhône valley ( Plate 36 ) : this approximates to what one would expect if a meander of the type shown in Fig. 9. 12A had been cut through at the neck .
7 He began to make himself a few pence early on — running messages , collecting newspapers for the chip shops and horse dung for fertiliser , finding the pay-penny cracks in life on the narrow streets .
8 From our data the interference of the major cations in bile on the calcium electrodes may be considered very small ( selective coefficients for Na + , K + about 10 - 1 , and for Mg 2 + 10 - ) .
9 This commonly results in the loss of the corneo-retinal potential , a standing potential difference of the order of one tenth of a volt across the back of the eyeball which contributes largely to the measurable changes in potential on the face resulting from eye movements in sighted people .
10 Many of them are voluntary colleges run by the churches , and given the forthcoming cuts in expenditure on public sector higher education , they look particularly vulnerable to closure or merger with other colleges .
11 Instead of profiting from the enormous interest in gambling on football results through the ‘ pools ’ system , the FA 's puritanism led to a futile and absurd confrontation in 1936 , which involved the withholding of fixture lists to frustrate the pools companies .
12 It 's the first occasion in fact on which I 've been permitted to speak at any meeting dealing with this application .
13 Robert Tisserand , a British practising aromatherapist , author and researcher , is the author of one of the first books in English on this hitherto rather elusive ( except in France ) therapy .
14 Arthur Eddy , an American critic who in 1914 produced the first book in English on Cubism , Cubists and Post-Impressionism , wrote that ‘ the comparison that Picabia is fondest of making is that of absolute music ’ .
15 Lantern slides of each image were made , and projected at the same time in register on a screen .
16 Lantern slides of each image were made , and projected at the same time in register on a screen .
17 The biggest difference in contrast on my equalization argument is between the City and between the Vale , and so whilst again it might be controversial , there is a logic , with our backs to the wall admittedly , of saying right well we 'll close this home in order to protect money that we 've got lined up to come on stream next year .
18 And what is more , the sheds are dark and dirty , the coldest places in town on cold days , the stuffiest on hot .
19 Values education is largely bound up with behaviour , and teachers blame the lowered expectations in behaviour on the emotional troubles imported from home — and on parents who have failed to draw the line on behaviour for their offspring .
20 ‘ Without it you will have no dances and no Great Moments with the young thing in crepe-marocain on the lee of the starboard ventilator . ’
21 The two ladies in attendance on the Queen had been banished to a corner of the solar , where they sat talking quietly , half hidden by a carved wooden screen , but only the slightest effort would have been needed for either of them to overhear the interrogation going on by the fireplace .
22 Having screwed the internal outlet in position on the wall , the 5ft long flexible tumble-dryer hose slots into place
23 Analysts of manufacturing decline almost unanimously pinpoint the rise to prominence of ROI calculations as the immediate cause of the sharp decline in expenditure on new process technologies , facilities and research and development .
24 The sharp difference in impact on work experience between the two applications was an entirely fortuitous outcome .
25 Their validity was evaluated by the following : ( a ) analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) , which gives the significant difference in regression on the horizontal or vertical axis .
26 We saw it the last time in action on the weekend of the French vote on Maastricht — harnessing all our resources to serve the viewer and listener in a way no-one else can .
27 For atoms other than hydrogen , the relative changes in mass on isotopic substitution are small , and frequency shifts are less dramatic .
28 At the National the only clues to their presence are the dozens of shoes neatly paired around a huge makeshift dressing room and the scarlet signs in Japanese on every backstage door .
29 The combined result of khozraschet and the over-centralized and ill-informed onslaught oh the local press by Agitprop was a fast decline at guberniia and lower levels : of the 802 papers in existence on 1 January 1922 , a mere 313 remained by 1 July .
30 This suggests a possible failure in communication on the part of the LEA with regard to its second intention .
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