Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 The total hours spent on the carriage so far are 226 hours 30 minutes .
2 It is worth noting that all members of the Campaign against Toxic Waste were unpaid volunteers but nevertheless the total expenditure incurred on the successful prosecution of it was in excess of £350,000 .
3 The total value put on the business is 12.3m Novell shares , giving it an indicated value of $323m .
4 His mother was leafing through a huge pile of correspondence , the wire-framed spectacles perched on the end of her nose threatening to fall off at any moment , while Senga sat beneath the window , copying verses from an open Bible .
5 THERE has been a considerable outcry from St Helens supporters over the eight-match ban imposed on the club 's Kiwi loose forward Shane Cooper two weeks ago .
6 The next day , after the thirty-third night spent on the exitless side of a bed that was shoved up against a wall and that also housed a physiotherapist called Daphne , an air hostess called Olga , and Olga 's dopey Teddy bear , I got out of the bottom of the bed unheard and thought , No .
7 Congress ( I ) won a clear majority of the 79 seats contested on the territory 's 10 inhabited islands .
8 The European Council agreed on the creation of a European police office ( Europol ) , the initial function of which would be to organize the exchange of information on narcotic drugs at the level of the Community 's 12 member states …
9 The cost-of-carry equals the interest cost of holding the cash bond less the accrued interest earned on the cash bond before it is delivered into the futures market on the delivery day ( i.e. , d = rc ) .
10 He reached over the stern and lifted the Wheel until the lower rim rested on the transom to one side of the stern post .
11 For Adam Smith in 1776 , laying down the philosophical system which was to become the ideological underpinning of the market economy , they were the greatest obstruction placed on the movement of labour for they affected even common labour , while the regulations of guilds and corporations restricted the movement only of artisans .
12 In 1706 , after his victory at Turin , Prince Eugene had to interfere in person to prevent a general massacre of the French wounded by the imperial forces ; and after the battle of Zorndorf in 1758 many of the wounded Russians left on the field were buried alive by Prussian soldiers and local peasants .
13 Central to this last promise was a US agreement to end the economic sanctions imposed on the Noriega regime , should the opposition win .
14 At this point it will be useful to take the measure of the dislocation between the economic classes defined on the basis of capitalist property relations and the working class and middle class collectivities in Britain .
15 The specific complex formed on the single stranded oligonucleotide was competed by the homologous double stranded species ( WT ) but not by the double stranded AP1 consensus sequence within the PPT promoter .
16 Street lamps streak her face , a voice streaks unconscious ears as the driver curses the dark , the hour , the traffic , the bloody liability sprawled on the back seat .
17 The President of the Baptist Union called on the United States ' ambassador but unfortunately he was out .
18 As the socialists moved increasingly left of the republic , splitting the coalition government , the right gained support reorganising itself into a united opposition to the republic under the umbrella of the C.E.D.A. The right wing capitalised on the Catholic reaction against republican anticlericalism in order to gain power .
19 The fat content varies , so check the nutritional information supplied on the tub .
20 Our view then , which is undiminished today and is at the centre of the debate , is that it ought not to be the function of the social security system to support students , not only because of the administrative burden placed on the Department 's local benefit offices and local authorities , but because there already exists a maintenance system for those in full-time education .
21 Many of these fearful criticisms of the working class centred on the feeling that they were getting above their station in life , or that they were encroaching upon previously reserved territories of the middle class .
22 But the working group settled on the third satellite : the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ) .
23 " Homelessness , insecurity of tenure and Rachmanism were important elements in the so-called rediscovery of poverty , which took place in the early 1960s , and the Labour Party capitalised on the upsurge by condemning the now infamous " " Tory Rent Act " " " ( Norman Ginsburg , Class , Capital and Social Policy , Macmillan : 1979 , p. 122 ) .
24 The second kind of data consists of the attributes or properties of the spatial entities shown on the maps .
25 The section will conclude with some remarks on two topics of special interest : the effects of exchange depreciation on the balance sheets of Yugoslav banks , and the revealing light thrown on the Yugoslav financial system by the recent collapse of the Bosnian firm of Agrokomerc .
26 With conventional treatment for the asthma ( a beclamethasone diproprionate inhaler ) the response to alcohol was greatly reduced , but experimentation with whisky showed that the asthmatic symptoms depended on the brand of whisky .
27 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
28 The lesser charges centred on the unlicensed pistol and stolen car came up for trial on 11th May .
29 The Commission can suspend or disbar any person from the securities industry ; require disgorgement of profits ; and impose penalties of anything up to three times the illicit gains made on the insider trades .
30 Meanwhile , the public money wasted on the heritage junta proceeds apace .
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