Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
2 At any one time only two out of five surnames in the parish were those of this hard core of families , but four out of five of the total entries belonged to this group .
3 Mr Rowse the healer at 93 Mafeking Street , a Miss Potter and sixteen cats at No. 95 , themselves at No. 97 , a Mr Hill in a ménage à trois at No. 90 — perhaps all the normal people lived down another street ?
4 The European Commission continued during this period to pursue a resolution of the conflict over technical standards for high definition television ( HDTV ) broadcasting in the single market after 1993 .
5 However , the statistical picture remains somewhat unclear for two main reasons : the data have not always been analysed with sufficient attention to all the possible factors implicated in such over-representation ; there are insufficient provincial data to show how general are the London results .
6 However , it seems unlikely that the political will existed among many rural authorities to embark upon a rapid and expensive programme of housing construction .
7 For the top teams in the group of eight this would mean a total of 40 league games as opposed to the 44 matches which will have to be fulfilled if the 12-club division continued for another season .
8 Grey warmed into red like hot iron , then into pink , until the lower sky glowed like that above a blast-furnace at night .
9 Ultranationalist thinking on the rural sector seemed in many ways only a more radical version of official views .
10 er perhaps Tom himself was erm not really concentrating very much but I know when we came back after the Christmas Day , the Boxing Day that is , erm , Tom was quite oblivious as to what had gone on on the Chr on the Christmas Eve , so I remember we c we put our heads together and erm came to erm some arrangement as to who should be invited for this next tractor course and nothing was ever said so I expect the right people went after all but erm it 's funny how when he was
11 This judgement was made by comparing the percentage of the regional budget devoted to this service with the corresponding percentages in other regions .
12 I remind the Minister that , when the National Bus Company subsidiaries were sold off to the private sector , the first thing that the private company did in many instances was to get rid of the management because of its dissatisfaction with it .
13 Therefore , three of the four documented deaths over the intervening period occurred in those who had survived for at least 5 years after surgery .
14 The unfinished building stood for several years as a mute witness to their sad state .
15 In effect , the concern to increase calibre embodies a concern to recapture the social relations , style of politics , and class of leadership , that existed before the franchise was extended and before the working class rose to some sort of local political power through the Labour Party .
16 It merits the longest entry devoted to any one person in Boswell 's account , and no more than two sentences in Johnson 's : the person they met was Flora Macdonald , who had helped Bonnie Prince Charlie to escape after Culloden .
17 The strongest criticisms came from those congressmen whose regional power bases were now threatened , and from PL and PSC power brokers whose ability to elect and re-elect their own people was endangered .
18 In contrast to the offence of this ONE man Paul then declared what ONE other person , the Lord Jesus Christ had accomplished on behalf of many ‘ the grace of God and the gift of grace , which is by ONE man , Jesus Christ , hath abounded unto many ’ ( v.15 ) ‘ by the righteousness of ONE the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life … by the obedience of ONE shall many be made righteous. ’ ( v.18/19 ) .
19 In 1969 , the destruction of monasteries and suppression of monks and nuns during the Cultural Revolution led to another desperate rising , largely unknown to the outside world .
20 E-shaped , as was the fashion , it centred round its Great Hall , a reminder still of the public life lived by many Tudor leaders .
21 Steelworkers in the public sector had for some time been in dispute with their employers , the British Steel Corporation , and had come out on strike .
22 Instead , consonant with the prevailing economic orthodoxy , the public interest became at most a background justification for the free availability of incorporation and limited liability .
23 For the French the peace of the last years of the fourteenth century led to little more than the need to garrison their frontiers .
24 Suchlike suspicions did not deter prospective travellers from paying the high prices asked for such authentic delicacies ; maybe even encouraged brisker sales .
25 Yorick screamed again — the high wail lasted for several seconds before it ended with a sharp report .
26 The Sunday afternoon walk along the lanes was always interesting , even to very young children , for the high banks towered on either side of us , covered in wild flowers — campions , hemp agrimony , foxgloves , honeysuckle and many , many more .
27 Here the seismic acquisition continued throughout much of 1992 .
28 The raw material came from such sources as Renaissance sketchbooks , engravings and travel guides and was originally limited to Antique works of art known between 1400 and the conquest of Rome by Charles V in 1527 .
29 As to what the hon. Gentleman said about those who worked for Karl Construction , the building firm that was decimated on Friday , let me pay here , on the Floor of the House , the most profound tribute to those in civilian employment in the Province who go to work to make it possible for the security forces to do their job .
30 I have listened with concern to what the hon. Gentleman said about this matter .
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