Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the increase in the total number of firms over the period was not one third , but two thirds — to nearly 3 million , or an average increase of almost 500 every working day .
2 It is proposed to focus on insider dealing within financial conglomerates because of the probable extent of such trading , that is , the degree to which insider dealing probably occurs ; the damage it causes , both economically ( through the disruption of the efficient allocation of scarce economic resources ) , and socially ( through losses in public confidence in the operation of the financial markets ) ; and finally , the problem of detection ( self-evident from the low levels of prosecutions over recent years ) .
3 The recent flood of cheery indicators is so good that it almost certainly condemns the beaming government to setbacks over the coming months , and to talk of a double-dip recession .
4 But despite the political war of words over tax , she found it hard to prepare new strategies because no party had said very much about VAT .
5 The huge loss of dollars under ‘ other transactions ’ in 1947 reflects the short-lived abolition of controls over access to dollars in that year .
6 In his latter years Tilden also studied the specific heat of metals over a wide range of temperatures , and the history of chemistry .
7 A key issue in relations with South Africa was the Namibian desire for negotiations over Walvis Bay , the South African enclave with important port facilities .
8 Although the shareholders no longer exercised the direct control of principals over the directors as their agents , the model nevertheless asserts that any danger that the directors might use their considerable discretionary powers to manage the business in their own interest is precluded .
9 the average number of customers over the week ( add each day 's total customers together , then divide that total by the number of days in the working week ) .
10 In addition , HARPY limited the average number of competitors over a stretch of speech and also constrained their identity , thereby ensuring that the items were easily discriminable as measured by their acoustic match scores .
11 Take the 7th root of the average number of paths through our mid class utterances in order to estimate the average number of words over each region of the intended word :
12 With the introduction of general management , an attempt has been made to address the clinician-management interface directly and to challenge formally , at least in theory , the tight grip of doctors over the NHS as an organisation .
13 There was also the possibility of a more flexible use of facilities in the statutory , voluntary and private sectors , and , finally , the powerful influence of doctors over the lives of the chronically disabled would inevitably wane , a process of ‘ de-medicalization ’ which is largely to be welcomed as medical and nursing skills are only a small part of the required professional skills .
14 On this basis we would assess the impact of , say , a state pension plan in terms of the present value of contributions relative to the present value of pensions over the lifetime , and the answers are likely to be considerably different from the pattern of redistribution in terms of current incomes .
15 One of the major advantages of letters over telephone conversations is that they provide a permanent record .
16 Likewise the excess rate for males over females , for town dwellers over country dwellers , for social class V over social class I , all of which coincide with smoking differences , can be explained by other means .
17 ONE of the great advantages of villages over cities for chronic insomniacs , such as I am , is that late at night there is nothing to do in a village except read .
18 The continuing squabble among Ministers over whether to raise taxes or cut public spending in November to tackle the budget deficit has triggered a new outburst of Tory in-fighting .
19 Its basis is systematic monitoring of the full complement of courses over this period , and its direct evaluation of some twenty-five of them .
20 Issued in part as a response to the growing number of appeals over controversial retail , industrial and other developments in sensitive areas .
21 If conscription represented a major presumption upon the values of Edwardian Britain , so too did the growing battery of controls over licensing hours , house rents , rationing and information .
22 A few years later , the Farrers moved the flourishing business to premises over the Empire Meat Company in The Ox Row at the side of the Market Place and it continued there for the next thirty years .
23 Foreign investors looked at the higher yield of gilts over German government bonds without worrying about exchange risk .
24 As was noted above , however much one may value identification with one 's community , since it can be expressed by other means than respect for law it can not be a foundation of an obligation to respect the law , nor a basis for the general authority of governments over all their subjects .
25 Sir Bryan told the insurance industry yesterday that commissions should be related to the long-term maintenance of policies over their full lifetime , rather than paid out as a lump sum immediately a policy was sold .
26 Rumen boluses designed for the slow release of anthelmintics over a prolonged period are under development for sheep and seem an ideal way of minimising worm egg output .
27 When we think about those questions of individ individuation in our normal affairs , the best we can do is to say that what individuates us and also what makes us the same person through changes over time , is a great medley of factors , some of which are bodily , some of which involve our souls
28 If evolutionary studies provided a vertical dimension within which objects could signify the development of societies , this was complemented by the growth of diffusionary studies in which the horizontal distribution of objects over the globe was thought to be further evidence for the movements of both peoples and ideas , for example , from origins in ancient Egypt or Germany .
29 He provides a polythetic perspective on social position , exhibiting the structuralist preference for relationships over entities , so that all social attributes are understood primarily in terms of their co-variant properties .
30 Standard techniques may be used to make broad comparisons between groups of individuals but the statistical analysis of changes over time and interrelationships between events , topics often of special interest to the psychologist , is much less well understood .
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