Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] that [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 The study of portraits on coins is therefore as much about the political factors that influenced them as about their intrinsic or moral interest .
2 So the usual thing eventually after five months waiting for payment is to find out the bloody solicitor that told them this you see and inform the the solicitors that er his client has not yet paid us and we it ought to be done and eventually that 's how we get the money .
3 But the teacher of English knows that " experience " has proved that " science alone " will no longer suffice , especially in a world in which " scarcely a fortnight ago it was only the imaginative vision of one wise man which saved mankind from the awful catastrophe that threatened them .
4 The French struggled for nearly sixty minutes against a generous but raw Romania , ran riot against a Fijian side well below par and short of the menacing inspiration that made them a fearsome proposal in 1987 , while the game against Canada exposed the shortcomings that England later exploited with relish .
5 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
6 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
7 When he turned to look at her with some compassion , she walked the few steps that kept them apart and , staring at him with desperate eyes , insisted , ‘ That woman in the docks … it was her , was n't it ?
8 They became aware , therefore , of the vast gulf that separated them from the supreme Reality and the great confessional religions were born to meet these new conditions .
9 So it still was n't gon na meet the actual need that prompted them to occur in the first place .
10 England got the all-important shot that took them through to the final which they lost 19-8 to Ireland .
11 Eagleton 's Althusserian phase of the mid-1970s was strongly attacked by a Marxist academic , Kiernan Ryan , who has since taken issue with another Marxist , Alan Sinfield , on the extent to which the great literary works of the past can transcend the reactionary ideologies that produced them .
12 The high proportion of royalists looks embarrassing not only for Merton 's thesis but for variants of it which have claimed that it was the political radicalism ( not the puritanism ) of the parliamentary radicals that made them receptive to revolutionary science .
13 A profound historical amnesia has come to settle around the Teds whereby rock-and-roll outrages of the past , together with the magnified excitements that accompanied them , have been smuggled out of sight .
14 Indeed , Blundell fears that UK food surpluses may be transient because the intensive agriculture that produced them is not sustainable .
15 Her mouth burned from the angry possession of that kiss , her lips were swollen , throbbing with tempestuous heat , and in the momentary stillness that followed they stood apart , facing each other like warriors poised in the midst of battle .
16 My soldiers were guarding the master copies of the very instructions that made them do the guarding .
17 The authors believe the cause of these persistent spells lies in the ability of the short waves to react on the long waves in such a way that , under certain situations , they favour the very pattern that caused them .
18 He took immense trouble in preparing his lectures and the experimental demonstrations that accompanied them .
19 There was something arresting about him , a masculine potency that leapt the physical chasm that separated them from him with alarming ease .
20 And when the nerve-ends in her skin detected his body warmth across the short distance that separated them , her whole body responded , vibrating like a violin string .
21 Then in one easy movement his hand slid a little higher , his fingers deftly slipping the bra straps from her shoulders , then freeing her eager breasts from the lacy cups that imprisoned them .
22 Aunt Lilian and Aunt Kit walked into the nearest shop whenever their clothes became too shabby and bought the first thing that fitted them ; if they debated , it would only be about a garment 's staying power .
23 Despite the problems in local government , the municipal elections and the general elections that preceded them have provided legitimate government both locally and nationally .
24 Thus the Central Powers had conquered the neutral region that separated them from their ally in the east , Turkey .
25 The call from the former Yugoslavia that said they were safe an well .
26 The only faces that greeted them belonged to sundry dead abbots glaring down from dusky oil paintings .
27 The only thing that stopped them cutting us to ribbons was that one of my friends had the gift of the gab and gradually defused the situation by talking good sense in a calm reasonable way ; finally he pointed out that we would all end up in the local police cells if anything happened anyway .
28 The only thing that linked them was the embarrassing albatross of a marriage in whose death both of them had been guilty .
29 If no settlement is reached the shipowners will be faced with the same difficulties that confronted them in 1911 " .
30 THE AUSTRALIANS have decided to concentrate on sevens with the same single-mindedness that won them the 15-a-side title last year .
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