Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] that [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The right hook that finished him was the best body punch I 've ever thrown ’ said Damien with the air of a winner .
2 Peter Powell 's adventures with kites had already put him into the headlines when he ‘ flew ’ his grandmother , long before he perfected the diamond-shaped stunter that made him a worldwide name from 1974 .
3 Professor Hoskins saw little in the modern development of the English landscape that filled him with pleasure and one has great sympathy for his feelings .
4 It might seem a bit bleak , a bit inhuman ( ‘ antihumanist , yes ; inhuman , no , ’ she would interject ) , somewhat deterministic ( ‘ not at all ; the truly determined subject is he who is not aware of the discursive formations that determine him .
5 For his part , Lawson needed little encouragement to accept the exciting challenge that confronted him .
6 Moreover , the observer at A forms a picture of the white hole on the basis of all the light rays that reach him at the same time .
7 singled out by the Decree of an Inscrutable Providence from the midst of the Distinguished Multitude that Surrounded him , in the full pride of his Talents and the Perfection of his Usefulness , met with the Accident that Occasioned his Death ; which deprived England of an Illustrious Statesman and Liverpool of its Most Honoured Representative ; which changed a moment of the Noblest Exultation and Triumph that Science and Genius had ever achieved into one of Desolation and Mourning , and striking Terror into the Hearts of Assembled Thousands brought home into every Bosom the Forgotten Truth that ‘ In the Midst of Life we are in Death ’ .
8 Murphy has recaptured the old form that earned him two honours with the Ulster senior team , winning one inter-provincial championship at Lahinch , in 1986 .
9 ‘ You need not fret , ’ she said equably , with the darkling smile that disquieted him more than her enmity .
10 Poor little Willie was fairly screaming the place down and banging on the barred window that separated him so carefully from the world .
11 He was kneeling by a pool , looking up at the towering trees that surrounded him — quiet , intent , somehow unsurprised .
12 It was the last movement by the spider that recalled to Quinn the tiny detail that eluded him last night .
13 Yet here he is , pleading for the life of the stubborn nation that caused him nothing but trouble !
14 Maybe it is just the cold air that makes him sound that way .
15 Eva observed : " No matter how devastated people can be there 's a tremendous resilience in the human being that allows him to get up and start again .
16 Tom , meanwhile , has binned the thigh-slapping choreography that made him look like an excited primate and opted instead for more engaging shapes akin to those thrown by a boxing kangaroo .
17 But his face was drawn , the bronzed skin tight and flushed across his cheekbones as he struggled to control the powerful emotions that gripped him .
18 ( He still possesses the tattered paperbacks that inspired him as a trainee BP manager in the 1950s — Dale Carnegie 's How to Win Friends and Influence People and Lord Beaverbrook 's folksy handbook to success , Do n't Trust to Luck . )
19 To illustrate this , let us imagine Heinrich Hertz , in 1888 , performing the electrical experiment that enabled him to produce and detect radio waves for the first time .
20 The three-year-old bears the scars and bruises from the freak accident that put him in hospital and left his parents in deep shock .
21 He was not a superstitious man , but even he must have been encouraged by the good omens that visited him while on board the Potentate .
22 And it was the long shorts that allowed him to wear waist-to-ankle underpants during a game without anyone noticing .
23 Nuadu was glad that he was unable to speak , for to have done so , to have uttered any kind of sound , would certainly have been to betray the utter revulsion that engulfed him .
24 It was the latter fact that got him so many commissions from the Church of England , who abhorred the Catholic leanings of Pugin and his stable .
25 The shame of it may have caused the slight stroke that overtook him , or perhaps it preceded the disaster .
26 Was that how he had developed the deep tan that made him look somehow so vital ?
27 John 's problems seem to have arisen mainly from his own nature , the other side of the very qualities that brought him success .
28 All things considered , de Gaulle was probably not as certain of communist intentions as he suggested in his memoirs , and it was probably the very uncertainty that worried him .
29 There have been many doubts that Gazza could n't make a come-back at club level or even contemplate straddling the international scene again with the outrageous talent that made him a folk hero .
30 Davis 's struggle to overcome the racial prejudice that held him back was backed by Sinatra .
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