Example sentences of "[art] [noun] who have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Over the centuries , the Superintendents who 've been responsible for looking after the garden , have each played a major part in it 's growth and development .
2 It was a place he had visited three times — once to be seen ; the second time to appreciate the sermon which he had afterwards discussed outside the small West Door with the vicar who had been impressed by his distinguished visitor 's passionate piety .
3 Party leaders are concerned at the growing gap between Communists active in parliament in Warsaw , and those in the provinces who have been slow to catch on to the change .
4 Show me the tyrants who have been great lovers .
5 In total Oshima named seven senior members of the LDP who had been involved in efforts to force his party to desist .
6 Building licences are difficult to get and the developer who has been fortunate enough to obtain one is often willing to pay a much inflated price for a piece of land upon which to build .
7 The immediate problem lay in Aquitaine , where some of the nobles who had been close to the defunct Pippin I , had refused to accept the " disinheritance " of Pippin 's son and instead recognised him as their king .
8 In particular , such contempt may be dealt with without there being any formal institution of proceedings as such and by the judge who has been subject to abuse .
9 The sympathy of Diodorus — that is , of Posidonius — stretches so far as to admit that even during the war the slaves spared some of the owners who had been kind to them .
10 One night , in the depths of winter , Thorwall demanded Glam go outside to settle the livestock who had been frightened by a WRAITH , or ‘ walker after death ’ .
11 The policewoman who has been comforting James 's parents said his mother Denise was still ‘ shellshocked ’ by the loss .
12 Despite Lenin 's theory of national self-determination , the new Soviet Union still embraced the great bulk of the old imperial domains , including minorities like the Georgians and the Ukrainians who had been civilized for centuries before the denizens of what was to become Muscovy .
13 The rage of the Iceni spread through the south-east , affecting first the Trinovantes who had been simmering in discontent for some years .
14 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
15 His parents had known it as Andrássy after the Count who had been prime minister when that part of Pest was laid out .
16 But this voice was no feeble substitute ; it was a direct address from the God who had been silent .
17 Most of the people who have been close to me over the years have been paid to be .
18 It is now widely accepted that the Chairmanship of the Bar is virtually a full time job , and the profession has been fortunate indeed in the people who have been prepared to take on that responsibility and make that commitment .
19 Members of the Commission who have been involved with Cafod 's Latin America Campaign , would like to share their enthusiasm and resources with any parish , womens group , ecumenical group , youth group , senior citizens group etc , who would like to learn a little more about Latin America .
20 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
21 Together they started to laugh , the deep chuckle and the dry whispery cackle rolling past the monks , who returned with a start to their praying ; past Bridhe , Elizabeth , Marion , Hector and his young attendants , the women , clan officers , nephews , cousins , clansmen great and common , clustered weeping at the death-bed of the man who had been chief for the whole life-time of most of them .
22 Most of the humans who have been involved in rescues of dolphins or small whales such as pilot whales will readily admit that it is an emotional and moving experience .
23 The financial advisers of those days were probably the people who taught the ones who have been professional schemes .
24 There was a tremendous release of tension , particularly for the people , the women who had been permanent workers as opposed to the students .
25 The sappers who had been involved in the preparation work could then go forward to see the devastation caused by the explosives .
26 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
27 The PVO rebels went back to their old game of harassing the Karens who had been restless ever since their claims to a separate state on ambitious lines had failed .
28 And although Whigs under Anne liked to claim that James had been deposed for breaking his original contract with the people , they found it a credible way of embarrassing their political opponents to argue that it was the Tories who had been responsible for James 's downfall .
29 By the time Terence O'Neill returned from London to face press questioning on what he intended to do to quell the violence , there was a general notion abroad that it was the Paisleyites who had been violent .
30 When she saw her gesture performed by a sister who had been admiring and imitating her from earliest childhood , she felt a certain unease : the adult gesture did not fit an eleven-year-old child .
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