Example sentences of "[art] [noun] from a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
2 At the lower end of the scale , this might be little more than a garden allotment worked in spare time to supplement the income from a full-time job .
3 Our other research has shown that some adults would prefer not to take up a full-time course and so lose the income from a full-time job .
4 Cut the crusts from a thick slice of bread and soak in a little water .
5 Mr Malik had been keen for it to ‘ bridge the gap between the musical traditions of East and West ’ , and the result was something that sounded suspiciously like the soundtrack from a commercial advertising Singapore Airlines .
6 Witches ' Stew One pound of stinging nettles , five spiders found dead , half a pound of mouldy grass , two small sticks , seven old banana skins , half a pound of leaves , nine witches ' toenails , three bats ' wings , seven cockroaches , eight pigeons ' feathers and the fur from a wire-haired fox terrier , all stewed together on Friday the thirteenth from 12 noon to 12 midnight .
7 On the other hand the change from a private residence with lodgers to a declared guest house , boarding house or private hotel would be material .
8 The change from a rural economy largely dominated by subsistence agriculture to one with a greater emphasis on cash crops also led to social changes in the interior of the Low Country similar to those which accompanied the spread of coconut plantations in Kurunagala district .
9 He received the award from a National newspaper at the annual Sports Writers dinner .
10 The allegations first came to light last November , following an approach to the board from a financial institution .
11 Tranmere 's reply was instant and decisive , Bishop volleying the winner from a free kick .
12 The advocates of massive aid hint at all sorts of threats facing us if we do not hurry to the rescue , but are the dangers from a collapsing state greater than what could be expected from a revitalised Russia ?
13 Where Whisky Galore ( 1948 , Tight Little Island in US ) depicts a Scottish community determined to outwit officialdom and salvage the whisky from a shipwrecked boat , The Man in the White Suit ( 1951 ) treads into that tricky area for British filmmakers , industrial relations , to suggest that when workers and management come together , it may have more to do with their own selfish interests than those of the broader community .
14 Perhaps the most invaluable feature is the unique cable control that allows you to activate the stopwatch from a tailored finger grip .
15 They are on the rebound from a broken relationship
16 He said he took heroin for the first time when he was on the rebound from a broken relationship .
17 The fact that the narrator evaluates the story from a patriarchal perspective only compounds the issue .
18 There is one sort of Chinese perspective , seen as in the West from a level viewpoint , but this is only one of three treatments of space representation .
19 We were renting the cottage from a retired businessman who had recently added a lean-to scullery and installed water but there was no bathroom .
20 The mad tinpot tyrant King Peter ( Gerrard McArthur ) — who ca n't pull up his own trousers — presides over the play from a gold-plated lavatory worthy of Ubu Roi .
21 Stoker had a poorly childhood in Dublin , and he grew up in the city of Sheridan Le Fanu who took opium and drank green tea , and wrote a truly dreadful tale about a lamia by name of Carmilla , who , as lamias often do , set out to suck the blood from a virginal girl called Laura .
22 What renders the market even more volatile is the series of transitional measures put in place to ease the passage of the industry from a nationalised monolith to a group of independent market-led companies .
23 The light from a neighbouring house was illuminating part of the garden , and he could see the spade , still stuck in the earth where he had buried the puppy .
24 A reduction off the shaft consists of a belt drive to what was originally the flywheel from a portable steam engine .
25 Axelrod draws a moving illustration of the importance of the shadow of the future from a remarkable phenomenon that grew up during the First World War , the so-called live-and-let-live system .
26 The moth can hear the bat from a greater distance than the bat can pick up the echo from a flying moth ; to be precise , a moth can hear a bat about 100 feet away , whereas a bat can detect a moth at a range of less than 8 feet .
27 Although you want a commitment from a certain person , or to remove the uncertainty from a precarious situation , do n't try too hard to pin things down .
28 It is in the switch from a applied politics to the area of principle that , Reekie agreed , the most substantial change for 7:84 had occurred .
29 There was the son of a Dallas police officer who held a press conference last autumn to ‘ confess ’ that his dead father was the ‘ second gunman ’ some believe fired at the president from a grassy knoll .
30 9.9 A computer with graphics software installed can process the data from a surveying instrument and reconstruct a three-dimensional impression of the land surface .
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