Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [noun prp] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 She blossomed from a precocious teenager in films like The Wizard Of Oz into a charismatically attractive woman with towering talent , able to sing , dance and act like no one before or since .
2 This weekend she had finally braced herself to the course of obtruding the existence of Len into the house .
3 The prospect of the break-up of China into a new form of warlordism , for so long a mere fantasy of the China lobby in the US , is now not an entirely implausible worst-case scenario .
4 Thus it has supported research in the department of human morphology at the University of Nottingham into the possible use of the fluorescein leakage test as an alternative to the Draize rabbit eye irritancy test to measure the potentially harmful effects of cosmetics .
5 Present in the second book as the occupant of an Iranian hotel room sifting through his papers , photographs and cassettes , Kapuscinski recites the history of the region , which has thrust the Shah of Shahs into the sand in the posture of the statue of the ‘ King of Kings ’ in Shelley 's tyrannophobe poem .
6 The Habsburgs had been stung by the loss of Silesia into a series of far-reaching administrative reforms , while Russia had once more displayed her military strength and had consolidated her dominant position in Poland .
7 Some years later , in 1980 , Gorbachev represented the central leadership at a ceremony in Vilnius to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the incorporation of Lithuania into the USSR .
8 El País of April 26 noted that EC officials regarded the current negotiations for the incorporation of Mexico into a trade bloc with the USA [ see above ] as increasing Mexico 's importance as a trading partner .
9 This devolution will take place amid bitter conflict over local electoral and citizenship laws , and an explosive argument over the very legality of the incorporation of Estonia into the Soviet Union in 1940 .
10 This pattern still persists in Finland , albeit in a much slimmed down and highly mechanised form , whereas the incorporation of Estonia into the Soviet Union in the 1940s was quickly followed by extensive collectivisation .
11 The reported comments among Leipzig workers also hinted at a possible prolongation of the war through the entry of America into the conflict , and it was seen as vital that the Führer bring about ‘ a lightning quick destruction of England — with gas if necessary ’ .
12 The entry of America into the war , however , left pacifists with little alternative but to invest their hopes in democratic revolt , unaided by the trans-Atlantic deus ex machina .
13 It was only in 1984 , with the entry of Spain into the EEC looming , that the principle of PSO grants calculated in advance was properly implemented for Spanish railways .
14 The entry of Britain into the Common Market in 1973 had given us access to a 10% repayment scheme of the Consolidated Fund , allowed under EEC rules , and it was from this source that the money would come for the expansion of the Customs fleet .
15 The result was the transformation of a derelict Burton distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Newcastle into a modern centre dedicated to small design businesses .
16 ‘ If it 's possible to put the fear of God into a nation of atheistic bastards , then the Chinks appear to have done it .
17 No wonder its coming puts the fear of God into the Philistines !
18 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
19 Not least BARRY MOONCULT who went so ape-dropping crazy , he was spotted stumbling out of the party while it was in full swing armed with a stash of joke bombs , which despite being pretty harmless ( containing about as much genuine explosive as your average cap pistol ) make a loud enough bang to put the fear of God into the most ardent of atheists .
20 The real memories and exaggerated horror stories have combined to strike the fear of God into the Serbian minority in Croatia .
21 The press built the Princess of Wales into a romantic heroine , and there was inevitably a backlash .
22 The advent of Edna into the household had been a miraculous and totally unexpected blessing , if such a word could be applied to what had become a devastating situation .
23 If such was indeed the case , the assertion of later authors that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II , if it has any validity at all , would have to be interpreted as the elevation of an already existing semi-official or official post of no particular consequence , as , in effect , the transformation of the muftilik of Bursa into the Muftilik of the Ottoman lands .
24 Not only did he require a grant of 57,000 acres of the drained land , but , according to Dugdale , he intended to transform the village of Manea into a town to be called Charlemont , which would command the new river system .
25 It was Louisa as much as the doctor who supervised the carrying of Emilia into the Hall , holding her cold hand , murmuring small phrases of consolation and encouragement as the improvised litter was lifted carefully up the stairs and the invalid laid in the same bed where she had passed her first night at Easterness .
26 The re-discovery of the Bible , following many centuries of neglect , was the means of bringing the light of the Gospel of Christ into the darkness of England .
27 The cavemen story was finished and ready in script form by the time Verity Lambert arrived at the BBC , the only change from the format she had read being the shift of Susan into the role of granddaughter to the Doctor .
28 On March 2 the federal Appeal Court in Bloemfontein upheld an earlier finding by the Orange Free State Supreme Court that the incorporation in December 1987 of the town of Botshabelo into the QwaQwa homeland [ see p. 36550 ] was invalid .
29 She dropped a cuddly brown toy wearing the colours of Everton into the grave .
30 The Nazis polled over seventeen million votes on 5 March 1933 and began the transformation of Germany into a totalitarian state .
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