Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [noun prp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was all part of the defence of London in an emergency .
2 The available armed forces were expected to be fully committed to the defence of Italy in the first two years of a war .
3 A long paragraph presented the acts of God in the Bible as like a mighty drama .
4 Traditionally the British had been Champagne 's most lucrative customers — after the drink had been popularised in society by the Marlboroughs and the Prince of Wales in the last half of the nineteenth century .
5 The first Mediterranean Agreement ( February 1887 ) promised to Italy the support of Germany in a war with France over Mediterranean questions , while Great Britain exchanged with Italy mutual guarantees of the Mediterranean status quo and support .
6 Kepler considers the orbit of Mars in the context of differentiating between three competing models of the world system : the Copernican ( in which all the planets — earth included — orbit the sun ) , the Ptolemaic ( in which sun and planets orbit a stationary earth ) , and the alternative geostatic system of Tycho Brahe ( see Fig .
7 Since those warm springs were the principal reason for the existence of Baden in the earliest days , perhaps they should be dealt with first .
8 In order to do so I do not feel that it is necessary to ‘ prove ’ the existence of God in the sense of demonstrating with mathematical certainty that He exists .
9 The ‘ set of ideas ’ incorporated under UN Security Council Resolution 789 envisages the reunification of Cyprus in a federation between the Greek and Turkish zones .
10 A single track divides North Uist , from north to south , built in 1845 to provide employment during the terrible potato famine that ravaged Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland in the mid-nineteenth century .
11 The chance to battle it out with the giants of Europe in the new Champions League , the likes of AC MIlan , Barcelona and Marseille , is a dream , even for veterans like Strachan .
12 World 's End Nurseries is situated in the heart of Chelsea in an acre of landscaped garden .
13 But we must hurry north , pausing only to observe that the most dramatic survivor from the early Middle Ages , and perhaps the greatest of all the cities of Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries , was Cordoba , then in its heyday under the caliphate and its first Indian summer .
14 From government statistics ( Claus Moser ) and social theory ( Ernest Gellner ) to art history ( Ernst Gombrich ) and the Freudian legacy , a few thousand men and women born in the cities of Mitteleuropa in the first quarter of this century quickened the pulse of a smug and sluggish culture .
15 For example , in the case of Rome in the third century BC , we can calculate that the total amount of silver coinage produced was small in comparison with Rome 's ‘ income ’ at the time , as defined by plunder , tribute and indemnities , and we can thereby see that silver coinage played only a minor role in the economy .
16 It could be argued , therefore , that the rise of Mercia in the eighth century represented a serious destabilization of the southumbrian situation before the return to a new balance between the Mercians and the West Saxons in the first half of the ninth .
17 It was an artistic and cultural centre as well as a commercial one and retained its importance until the rise of Moscow in the fifteenth century .
18 Houses run up in the courts of Birmingham in the 1820s and 1830s cost – ; 60 each to build .
19 On the domestic front the Archbishop of Milan in the mid-sixteenth-century was St Charles ( San Carlo ) Borromeo , born in Arona Castle on the western shore of Lake Maggiore in 1538 .
20 Today the Sovereign of the United Kingdom is crowned in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of Canterbury in an English Coronation Service ordered by the English Earl Marshal whose authority , like that of the Archbishop , stops at the Scottish border .
21 CRITICISM of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 1987 Crockford 's Preface was not taken personally by Dr Runcie , who comforted some critics during the row which followed , according to a book published today .
22 History is the arena in which , first through the period of the Old Testament , then by the teaching of Jesus in the New , the way has been prepared for the gradual purifying and refining of man 's religious sense which will lead to a third , future era , in which religious values will be seen to shine in their own light as ‘ necessary truths of reason ’ .
23 For light is not lacking : ‘ the Gal who commanded light to shine out of ( primeval ) darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ ’ ( 2 Cor. 4:6 ) .
24 Opposition to the Shah 's regime was disparate — fragments of the old National Front , a survival from the times of Mossadeq in the 1940s and 1950s ; a miscellany of resurgent Islamic and minor left-wing groups ; the pro-Moscow Tudeh Party ; disappointed businessmen who perceived the hand of the Shah 's family behind every deal they failed to clinch ; and smaller traders who resented the Shah 's busying himself with high prices in the bazaar .
25 ( This was the experience of France in the IIIrd and IVth Republics . )
26 With Ostpolitik and acceptance of the division of Germany in the late Sixties the church removed one of the worst bones of contention by leaving the pan-German Evangelical Church .
27 On land the Company was not really strong enough for such antics , but its naval superiority gave it a place in the third or fourth rank of powers in India , beneath the Emperor at the top and great rulers like the Nawab of Bengal in the second rank .
28 STEVE Cram launches his new 5,000 metres career on the roads of Aberdeen in the mood to confound the critics who have written him off as a has-been .
29 The Spirit universalises the presence of Jesus in the hearts of disciples .
30 In the case of the gal P1 promoter carried by the 144 bp fragment , only one band is observed on the autoradiogram irrespective of the presence of CRP in the polymerase-promoter complex .
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